Starting February 1, 2005 we will have a constantly running game of bingo on Freeze-Frame Radio.
Email me today at and include your mailing address to receive your 4 card sheet of bingo cards. This will be YOUR card, from that point on.
You can make a photo-copy of it, and keep it on your desk or wherever your computer is.
2 to 3 times a day, EVERY weekday, we will announce a new bingo number. The first person with a bingo wins a prize. Right now we plan on awarding some great CD's, gift cards, game sets and other items!
This is an extremely fair contest, with everyone having an equal chance to win.
Email asap so we can get you your bingo cards right away (remember, PHOTO COPY it, because it will be reused, we have a copy of each in the studio for verification purposes).
It's important to note, the bingo numbers will be called out 2 or 3 times during the workdays each week, and the DJ will have the option of repeating them on-air DURING that day, BUT, after that day they will not be repeated and we will not allow sharing of the info on the forum (however, if you want to contact each other off the forum to share missed numbers, that's fine).
As an added bonus (and in the hopes of helping add some weekend hours), we will announce ALL of the previous weeks bingo numbers repeatedly during the weekend.
If you have questions post them here! We're all set to go starting February 1!
So you'll have a copy & we'll have a copy of the bingo card. You'll call out #'s daily. If I have the right #'s I win...
Sounds easy...couple questions
Suppose I miss a number, Are you checking our cards for us as well? (say I have a line of 4 but i've missed the 5th number...I have a bingo, but don't know only use your in studio cards to verify right? We miss a's gone (til next time) right?)
Do we send you an email if we've collected enough #'s, or do we put up a post somewhere?
Right Mo, if you miss a number it's gone (unless you can get it from a friend who listens to the station, for example, if you and Trish wanted to agree to help each other out, that would be fine, as long as you don't POST the numbers on our website).
I'll make every effort to repeat the numbers from the day atleast a couple of times per day, so if you miss a number at say 9 AM, it will probably be repeated that day once or twice (when we pick the next number), right up until midnight.
IF YOU MISS IT COMPLETELY, because you're off of work, or just too busy and miss it (in your case probably taking a phone call & missing the number AND your request) there is still the opportunity to get the missing number by tuning in over the weekend. Every weekend we will every so often announce ALL the numbers that have been called the previous week. We'll probably even announce ALL the numbers for the current game once or twice over the weekend.
This is our devious trick of trying to encourage some weekend listening hours for people who might have missed a number during the week.
If you win, you should email me as soon as possible.
You were right, the copy in the studio is for verification purposes only, it wouldn't be fair for us to help people out who ask what the numbers were.
Lastly, I forgot to mention this on the earlier post. In order to qualify for the game, you MUST be a member of the forum (again, our devious way of using the contest to help encourage the growth of the forum community).
Wait...No help on the boards?.... so B-4 we start this game & I have to drive up I-27 to kick your butts for cheating...we can't have 'N'-e 'FREE' help on this at all. How can we win then? If we ever get more'G'ee-'58' players we'll have to devise some way to communicate secretly to each other the Numbers for the Bingo Cards. You Know I plan on winning 'O'h-62 of these before anyone else...If only I could figure out how let others know the numbers....
I'll tell ya what. If you do your sharing via PRIVATE forum messages (like you contact me sometimes) that would be fine.
We don't want to make this too hard on the regular listeners, but we also want to make sure that the contest is ENCOURAGING people to listen every day. If we can keep them here instead of just being a stop on their surfing pattern then the contest has served it's purpose.