Hey, this is a long shot, but it just occured to me that I have some REAL music fans at my disposal here, maybe someone can help me figure out the name/artist of a song I've been searching for since the early 80's.
My father and I were driving somewhere one night, when I was like 14, and he was listening to an oldies station.
There was a song on, sung by a woman, and it was about a little green alien that followed her everywhere and the chorus was him saying (in this goofy little child like voice) "I Wuv You, I Wuv You, I Wuv You To Bits".
The end of the song the woman had enough and she pushed him off her balcony, then, feeling bad ran down to see if he was okay. He looked up at her and said "I Don't Wuv You Anymore".
I have searched for this song for years and years. I've spent hours in used CD stores previewing any CD that had a song title that sounded like it COULD be it, but no luck.
My wife used to sing that little diity to our daughters when they were young!
I told her to stop because the ending was rather disturbing (O.K. - it's funny!)
The only clue/hint I can add is to search for lyrics containing "Little Blue Man", which is what the ill-fated alien was. Some of those all-powerful lyric sites may be useful if you try this information.
If you find it, please announce it on the air. I'd like a copy as well!
I didn't remember it real well, I was just assuming it was a little green man, but now that you've said it, blue man does sound familiar! I'm gonna get searching again!
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Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you do criticize them you will be a mile away and have their shoes.
I heard the song last night while I was walking on the treadmill. That is definitely a strange one. I wish I could find a copy of "Wake up you little sleepyhead, get your little buns out of bed". It was played on AFN Nurnburg. My dad used to sing that to us every morning to wake us up. Hated it when I younger (because I was getting woke up), but love it now and sing it to my own kids, at least what I remember of it. Gotta pass on the torture.
Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you do criticize them you will be a mile away and have their shoes.
It's amazing how parents can make you hate a song as a kid, but then when you get older you actually become nostolgic for it!
My Dad used to sing two songs when I was a little kid that made me want to cry. He'd always walk around the house, using a Dean Martin like voice, singing "Hey Little girl in the hiiiiiiiiighschool sweater... geeeeeeeeeeeee I'd sure like to get to knooooooow you better"
Then, when it was coming up on my bed time, which I of course HATED, he would sing this annoying song "Iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiitttttt's tiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiime, to saaaaaaaaaaaaaaay, gooooooooodnight untiil tomorrooooooooow".
That last one would actually make me cry and beg him to stop
I found both songs in a box set of hits from the 50's a few years ago, when I play them now it brings a smile to my face.
My dad used to pretend to play a bugle ("Revile" or however that is spelled) in the mornings also if you didn't get up after the first song. I used to cringe and pull the covers and the pillows over my head and beg him to stop. I do that to my son now and he does that exact same thing. I don't know if it's the bugle or because he is so much like me. "I'm up! I'm up!" and then as soon as I (or in my case, my dad) was out of sight, asleep like never interrupted. We are not morning people.
I agree, when you get older you remember things that you used to hate with fondness. Case in point, my sister.
Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you do criticize them you will be a mile away and have their shoes.