Loved Robert Scorpio! Yes, she has returned as Robin Scorpio. She is now a surgeon. I don't know what Tristian Rogers has been up to.
"Tell me, does it move you, Does it soothe you, Does it fill your heart and soul with the roots of rock & roll? When you can't get through it you can listen to it with a 'na na na na', Well I've been there before" -"Been There Before" by Hanson
By the way, I don't watch the show anymore. I know about Robin because I tuned in to see Noah (Rick Springfield) return. We tried to watch his scenes for the first week, but the writing was horrendous. And there was young Robin, as a surgeon! A surgeon with a nose piercing. It was ridiculous.
"Tell me, does it move you, Does it soothe you, Does it fill your heart and soul with the roots of rock & roll? When you can't get through it you can listen to it with a 'na na na na', Well I've been there before" -"Been There Before" by Hanson
Aw, so you probably didn't watch when Gideon Emery was on. He stood in for a regular when there was a scheduling conflict. I'll have to look up and see who it was.
I loved GH, but I just don't have time to tape it and watch it anymore. But my in-laws are addicts and I'll bee seeing it on vacation- lol I always end up getting wrapped into it again.
Oh and I heard that the actress that originally played Carly (Bobbie's daughter) is back playing a different character. that stuff always kills me!
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
I watched from 1979 to 1987. I was in love with Scotty. Of course, now I see what a terrible actor Kin Shriner is! LOL
"Tell me, does it move you, Does it soothe you, Does it fill your heart and soul with the roots of rock & roll? When you can't get through it you can listen to it with a 'na na na na', Well I've been there before" -"Been There Before" by Hanson
My wife likes "The Bold and the Beautiful" so we watch that when we're home 12:30 - 1:00.
I know that Southerners get made fun of for being rednecks, but from what I've seen, its those Beverly Hills Forresters who most need to learn how to date outside of their own family unit.
Loved Robert Scorpio! Yes, she has returned as Robin Scorpio. She is now a surgeon. I don't know what Tristian Rogers has been up to.
He will be on the General Hospital spin off Night Shift reprising his role.
I'm being sucked back in again- argh!
Really? The dashing "Robert Scorpio" returns? Wow.
"Tell me, does it move you, Does it soothe you, Does it fill your heart and soul with the roots of rock & roll? When you can't get through it you can listen to it with a 'na na na na', Well I've been there before" -"Been There Before" by Hanson