I'm not sure if it's just me or not since I am having all sorts of computer problems. I can't get any of the owner pages but I can get the music to play but it won't stay connected. Anyone else?
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
Yes! I can't get to any of the owner pages. I was having problems staying connected on Friday, but no one else seemed to be having any problems. But I can't stay connected again today, but I figured it was still just me.
Last night I noticed the stream sounded really over driven and mentioned it to JR. While he was working on that, things got really weird with the system. He worked on it a while, but frustration set in and he decided to give up on it for the night.
Hopefully whatever the problem is will be easy to fix.
We are on an all new computer with all new software. The software upgrade went smoothly but the hardware seems to work slighly different than the old stuff did.
We're set for the next 3 - 5 years once I get it all squared away though
And the "tape being eaten" and corrupted files issues SHOULD no longer dog us!
Something I learned while doing the conversion this weekend (and something I'm not real pleased with) is that when I edited the code of the Top 10 request page to make the QUICKPICK page the change wasn't 100%.
I'm not really good at that stuff, it was all guess work and trial and error on my part.
Turns out the Quick Pick only randomly selects songs to offer from the list of songs that has been requested at least ONE TIME in the past.
I always wondered why it seemed like I saw some songs a lot and never saw others on the list.
So far I'm not sure if this is something I want to fix or not though. Is it better to have the Quick Pick offerings be from a group of songs that were at least requested ONCE? If it were truly 20 random songs from the listing of 12,000 songs would there be too much crap on there that you wouldn't want to request anyway?
But it's possible that some songs are never requested just because we don't realize they're on the list, or they just don't come to mind when requesting. I mean, 12,000 songs is a lot, and I doubt even Lady Strange has the list memorized.
Well, I'll probably work on the code at some point to see if I can open it up, but I don't understand PHP programming at all so I dont' know that I'll figure it out.
I tried removing the obvious stuff and that just made the entire page unusable.
That's what I hate about working with code. One wrong letter and it doesn't just screw up the page a little, but rather it makes the entire page inaccessible