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Grand Poobah


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Posts: 36897

I have been moving slowly but surely into the new JD pad- & every couple of hours I take a break and hit the couch, tune into the station, check the boards to see whats up. I know riggs just did an insane amount of up-loading into the choices for the request system- & I am not sure if it is due to requesters requesting more and different songs because of this, or if its just the regular programming broadcast of songs, but all night, when I've checked in, there has not been a bad song.And I am as picky as they come.  Has Freeze Frame Radio become THE internet jukebox?? The songs are TOO GOOD to be just generated from the automatic song list!

"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus.  Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09

Chairwoman Of The Board

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This is truly the best station. Right now, I have a friend in Arizona that's listening, and is totally impressed at the amount of songs available.  He loves this website. I'm trying to work him on joining the forum.  Give me time!

Thank you for being a friend!

2011 Super Bowl Champions!

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Somechick is doing our recruiting for us, bringing the Arizona audience home!

Nicely done!


Chairwoman Of The Board

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Posts: 665

I'm trying my best for this fine station.  He's requested a few songs tonight and loves it.

Thank you for being a friend!

2011 Super Bowl Champions!

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Posts: 29950

Well, as I always say, if there's anything either of you think is missing, just say the word and we'll get to work on it.

Tonight I upped the playlist to 3926, and I still have almost 3000 CD's to go through.  MOST of the big hits have already been taken off of those discs, but I expect to find another 1500 or so smaller hits, or songs that weren't hits but deserve to be on the playlist regardless.

When it's all said and done, we should have the largest requestable playlist on Live365.

Of course, we'll be keeping our 80's theme, we're just getting a tad bit more flexible.


Chairwoman Of The Board

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Posts: 665

Sweet. The few things I thought of as I looked over the new list were these:

1) Seal's "Crazy".  It's a great song.  Consider it.

2) There's no  En Vogue on here. I realize it's 90's, but decent 90's.

Just a thought.

Thank you for being a friend!

Chairwoman Of The Board

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Posts: 665

You got Johnny Cash on!! That rules!  Thanks a bunch!

Thank you for being a friend!

2011 Super Bowl Champions!

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Posts: 29950

I've got issues with Seal

He ticks me off, always naming his CD's "SEAL".  Makes it hard to find them online, or even in the stores for that matter.

Peter Gabriel used to do that too, he had like four or five albums just titled "Peter Gabriel"


I'm putting in CRAZY and some EN VOGUE right now.

Thanks for the input!  Keep it coming!


Chairwoman Of The Board

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Posts: 665

Thanks for the additions!  I'll keep you posted if I can think of any others.  The only other song I can think of right now is DeVinyls "Groove is in the Heart".  I don't know what it is about that song.  It's a little rap-ish (ok, that's not a word, but you get my drift), but it's entertaining.


Thank you for being a friend!

2011 Super Bowl Champions!

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Posts: 29950

I never heard of that song by the Divinyls, I'll check it out.

So what's it gonna take to get your friend to sign up & join in?  I see him lurking around as an anonymous, do we have to bribe him?  Extort him?  Lure him in with cookies?

Jazz Doctor should be here, he's pretty convincing. 


Chairwoman Of The Board

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Posts: 665

unfortunately he had to leave to pick up his wife from work.  However, he thanked me to showing him this site, and marked it as one of his favorites.  I think the whole request option sealed the deal.

He's from the Milwaukee area and was glad to hear there was something out there broadcast from Brew town.  And to let you know, he doesn't miss this snow for a second.

Thank you for being a friend!

Chairwoman Of The Board

Status: Offline
Posts: 665

I stand corrected.  The song is be Dee-Lite.


Thank you for being a friend!

2011 Super Bowl Champions!

Status: Offline
Posts: 29950

Uh oh,

Now you may have gone outside our library.  I don't recall ever seeing a Dee-Lite CD around here, but I will check!



Chairwoman Of The Board

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Posts: 665

I understand if you don't add it.  They are a one hit wonder. I'd say 91, 92.  I can remember hearing it on the now defunct Hot 102 back in the day. know who else is missing?  Color Me Badd.  Their songs are...cheesetastic. That's a good word.

Thank you for being a friend!

2011 Super Bowl Champions!

Status: Offline
Posts: 29950

Oh yeah,

I know I saw some Color Me Badd CD's around here, I'll definately have some stuff from them to add!

Cheestastic, that's not bad.

I've got a few of my own that I try to convince my friends to use, one of them has actually caught on pretty well. 

Instead of Hot & Humid, use HOMID (ie: It sure is homid out there today)

That one I had about half my old co-workers saying as if it were a real word, quite a feat!

I also am pushing BLURSE instead of Blessing & A Curse, and PROCUPPIED instead of Pre-Occupied.

I figure what the hell, everyone else is always making up words, why can't I?  If I get enough people to use it I may make the big time and find it in Websters one day!

I'll see if I can't get people at the packer parties I go to next season to start using Cheestastic!


Chairwoman Of The Board

Status: Offline
Posts: 665

I'll try to spread those around at work. I'm not sure how much success I'll have, but it's worth a shot!

Thank you for being a friend!

Grand Poobah


Status: Offline
Posts: 36897


I am almost positive that I have "groove is in the heart" by dee-light on one of the compellation cds burned into the underground 80's folder. have a look?

"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus.  Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09

2011 Super Bowl Champions!

Status: Offline
Posts: 29950

Well look who took a break from his "50 Foot Move" to chime in

I'll check out your various folder J.D.

I'm on the case!


Grand Poobah


Status: Offline
Posts: 36897

Don't care if the move is 50 miles or 50 feet- it still sucks! Sure is nice not to have to shovel snow tho....

"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus.  Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09

Veteran Member

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Posts: 37

This ia without a doubt the best station around !!!!!!  Keep on keepin' on !!!!!!!



Nowhere else will you find more variety in the music than at Freeze Frame.  Case in point, where else could you hear Manilow and EWF songs followed by AC DC as just happened.  I love it!


Veteran Member

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Posts: 57

That was me weighing in with that last post.  Thought I was already logged in but I guess not.


2011 Super Bowl Champions!

Status: Offline
Posts: 29950


I was paging through old posts looking for something and I came across this post.

PLEASE tell me it hasn't been over two years since you moved into your new apartment!  THAT SEEMS LIKE IT WAS LAST SUMMER!

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