At work, but it's so hot out that I am kind of glad, at least I get the A/C. My house is oppressive, w/ the heat. I only have one AC and it's in the Bedroom.
Don't have much to say yet. The ac drain is leaking and semi flooded the laundry room. Not major just annoying. This problem was one of the reasons we were flooded from above. Apparently they got a flaw in their design don't ya think? Anyway I'm tired and did not want to get up. Humidity is at 95%. Yay. My ex-brother-in-law did not stay with us last night but he said we would probably see him soon as he was only staying in his house for the night since his wife was going to a friend's. In case you are behind in this- he is getting a divorce. She is a drunk and doesn't see that there is a problem.
Ah carry on....
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
I still feel terrible. I had a couple cookies and am working on some coffee this morning, hoping that would make me feel better. It doesn't appear to be working. I'm not sure I'm going to make it through the whole day.
Tell your brother in law to go to an Al-Anon meeting Woo, it works, my ex used to drink alot , I have been. The meeting is for anyone who is effected by someone elses drinking.
Morning all. Oldest daughter goes to see the surgeon today to get a date set up to have the keloid removed from her thigh, once we know that, then I have to call the Oncologist to get the times set up for radiation follow-ups. Since this isn't a medical emergency type surgery, I hope he's flexible about the date for her surgery because we still have 3 more vacations planned before the end of August gets here. Speaking of which, I leave this Friday for another week and a half; going back up to the cabin.
As Woo said, it's still really humid here. This is the fifth day I've had the A/C on; am hoping I can turn it off soon because I'm starting to feel a little claustrophobic from having to keep all the windows shut.
Its not going to be quite as hot for the next few days but that being low 90's instead of high 90's. Ugh, the humidity yesterday was terrible. I thought we'd moved to North Carolina or something.
I've got a little server issue I found that I'm working on. I updated the control panel system on one server and that broke something else. Since their update broke it, I have a support request with them to fix it. They are usually pretty good about helping . . . just a little slow.
Whoa, as soon as I sent that, I see I have someone from them in my server now. Wow, I take back what I said about them bing slow . . . at least this time.
darleneapd wrote:Tell your brother in law to go to an Al-Anon meeting Woo, it works, my ex used to drink alot , I have been. The meeting is for anyone who is effected by someone elses drinking.
He has gone to those and she has gone to AA for 5 months but she quit and her drinking has gotten worse. She has become physical. She is a mean drunk. But they have other problems too. One is that she doesn't like his kids and she is particularly mean to my niece. She has 3 boys of her own.
-- Edited by Woo Hoo at 08:44, 2008-07-21
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
aw man, monday already..... it looks like the temps here will come down to the low 80s, but the humidy is still way high, so I am going to leave the air conditioner on at home today.
"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus. Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09
I had to change my tune. I stepped outside, and it was actually a cool comfortable 67 degrees. I guess the weather page I looked at was wrong. So I ran back in, turned off the AC, and opened up the windows.
"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus. Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09
Sandy, I hope things go well for your daughter today.
Sounds like everyone is roasting still. Upper 90's here today (97 is the official high they're calling for) with humidity, although not the worst humidity I've seen since I've been here.
We went through a ten day period where we were getting rain almost daily for an hour or so and I noticed a big drop off in the bugs. Now we're in a stretch of over a week with no real rain and I'm noticing more and more bugs trying to get in the house, expecially those darn earwigs. The North Carolina strain of earwig is a little less gross than the WI one though. They still got those pinchers on the back, but they don't look as menacing, and the rest of their body is more black than red and just kind of straight and flat. They almost look like exclamation points running around on the ground.
Anyway, I thought wet weather brought em' out, but I seem to see more around here during the dry weather. Maybe they're seeking moisture.
Alright, I'm done blabbing now. Never gonna catch JD if my posts are all this long Gotta shorten em' up.
OMG I've figured out why I feel so terrible! (OMG, I can't believe I just used OMG) My symptoms are close to what I normally experience when I've consumed something I'm allergic to, but I've gone over everything I ate all weekend, and can't find any foods that could've caused a reaction.
I narrowed it down to that it must be the bug spray. When I was spraying the bug spray on, I inhaled enough to make me cough. But, I went to a clear area, got a few breaths of clean air, and was fine.
I started feeling bad Sunday morning, not Saturday night when I sprayed on the bug spray. Since I still feel bad, I started looking up information about possible poisoning from inhaling it, and whether there could be a delay. There could be.
So then I was thinking about calling that poison control number that's on everything. But I figured I should have information about the bug spray I used. All I could remember was that it was OFF! so I went to their website to look at pictures to see which one I used. Aha, it's OFF! Smooth and Dry. Product information: "Finally, a bug spray that doesn't feel like a bug spray! OFF!® Smooth & Dry has a unique cornstarch formula that dries on contact, leaving your skin feeling smooth & dry, unlike ordinary repellents."
So now I'm less worried about the 15% DEET and more worried about the likely high concentration of cornstarch that I filled my lungs with. No wonder I feel so bad. I think after everyone gets back from lunch that I'm going to go home, take some benadryl, and sleep for a bit. Hopefully if I can keep the antihistamines going, I can start feeling better.
I thought about going to the doctor, but I figure that I got it in my system 36 hours ago, and there's probably not much they can do now. They'd probably just prescribe me an antihistamine, and then I'd have to check it for corn, and I really don't have the energy to deal with that right now. Benadryl it is.
So then I was thinking about calling that poison control number that's on everything. But I figured I should have information about the bug spray I used. All I could remember was that it was OFF! so I went to their website to look at pictures to see which one I used. Aha, it's OFF! Smooth and Dry. Product information: "Finally, a bug spray that doesn't feel like a bug spray! OFF!® Smooth & Dry has a unique cornstarch formula that dries on contact, leaving your skin feeling smooth & dry, unlike ordinary repellents."
I was telling my wife about your deal over lunch. She went and got our can of "OFF" and we have that exact same kind here. She read the entire label and no where does it mention cornstarch or corn anything on the can.
So then I was thinking about calling that poison control number that's on everything. But I figured I should have information about the bug spray I used. All I could remember was that it was OFF! so I went to their website to look at pictures to see which one I used. Aha, it's OFF! Smooth and Dry. Product information: "Finally, a bug spray that doesn't feel like a bug spray! OFF!® Smooth & Dry has a unique cornstarch formula that dries on contact, leaving your skin feeling smooth & dry, unlike ordinary repellents."
I was telling my wife about your deal over lunch. She went and got our can of "OFF" and we have that exact same kind here. She read the entire label and no where does it mention cornstarch or corn anything on the can.
I know! I'm home now, and I took another look at the can, and it doesn't list the inactive ingredients anywhere. Maybe I should sue.
My boss convinced me to call my doctor. The doc said that I should take 10mg lortadine (Claritin) 2x a day for the next few days, drink plenty of water, and I should be fine. I only have to go in if it gets worse, I get a rash or hives, or I have a hard time breathing.
Wow Mz, that's terrible that they don't list that ingredient anywhere on the can!! If you don't intend to sue, I sure would write a letter or two to the company and make them aware of the fact of how sick their product made you! I can't believe they would leave this ingredient entirely off the can with so many other people having allergies to corn products!!
We just got back from the surgeon's office. Turns out this guy is a plastic surgeon and doesn't feel my daughter has a keloid from the spider bite she received a year ago. He says it's a hypertrophic scar, common to people of Native American and Japanese descent (she has blood from both in is N.A. and Japanese); he told her hypertrophic scars generally take up to 2 years to soften, flatten, and return to normal skin pigmentation. So he advised her to wait another year and see what happens.
Sheesh, here it is a year after she was first bitten, 4 different doctors, and 4 different opinions. She decided to take the wait and see approach, and spare herself from surgery and radiation.