Here is an excerpt from another thread that I thought would be a good topic.
One thing that I found out that you don't do with Dr. Pepper is drink it with orange juice and vodka. We made these Dr. Screwdrivers that were really awesome my junior year. (Tent camping birthday party sleepover alcohol bash, replete with a Playgirl that someone snagged. Wasn't that interesting. ) We loved them and drank a lot of it. The only problem is - the Dr. Pepper interacts with the orange juice and you get this gas bubble that makes you feel like you are going to die. I'm not kidding. All I could think was "I'm going to die and my Dad is going to kill me again for drinking alcohol when he didn't know about it and looking at Playgirl!". Don't ever drink a Dr. Screwdriver. They are great going down, but they are hell about 15 minutes later and for about 2 hours after that!
How about y'all? What was the worst thing you ever drank? Was it something you invented or something you bought? Fill us all in!
Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you do criticize them you will be a mile away and have their shoes.
I have no worst thing ever drank story, but I have a worst thing ever eaten story, hopefully that will be acceptable.
I should preface this by telling you that anyone who knows me would tell you that I have an "All or nothing" kind of attitude and USUALLY go overboard on anything I do
With that being said, every Christmas my younger sister and I get together and make Christmas cookies. We're REALLY bad at it, and they always turn out horribly. About the only think we've mastered are the peanut butter ones with the chocolate kiss on them.
Any way, one year we decided to make Molasses cookies. I LOVE molasses cookies, and had never made them.
So I bought a big jar of Molassas and when we made our cookies I realized I only needed about 1/3'rd of the jar for them.
My thinking was "Hey, I'm not gonna need molassas around the house for the next year, and I love the way it tastes, so lets use it up and make SUPER MOLASSAS cookies!"
Too much Molasses is NOT A GOOD THING!
They came out like little black tar circles! When you would bite them goey strings of molasses would actually form betweent the peice in your mouth and the cookie in your hand, and they tasted like you were eating a peice of black-top from the road!
Stupid me, it took about 8 cookies before I finally gave up trying to "learn to like em"