Slightly off topic of the yummies... I watched one of the women's volleyball matches this morning. It was China vs. Poland. The Chinese team basically whooped the Polish team, hands down. I was so amused watching the Polish team coach. He was trying so hard to look dignified, but it was way too obvious he was thinking "How much longer, how much longer? Lord, please put me out of my misery. I want to lay down on the floor in a fetal position and no longer see this wretched mess!"
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Security personnel 'scaring the wits' out of visitors, committee member says
updated 6:22 a.m. ET,Mon., Aug. 11, 2008
OSLO, Norway - Chinese police and military are frightening tourists with a "stone face" at the Beijing games and should smile more, a senior International Olympic Committee (IOC) member was quoted as saying Monday.
Norwegian Gerhard Heiberg, chairman of the IOC's marketing commission, said he had taken the matter up with Chinese officials and urged a happier and more welcoming attitude.
"We think that in particular the military and police can behave in a different manner," Heiberg told the Norwegian daily Aftenposten. "They look like stone faces."
"The Chinese are scaring the wits out of foreigners. We can't have it like this," said Heiberg. "When, in addition, they have weapons and look scary, it is even worse."
Those guys aren't paid to be smiley ambassadors of good cheer. They are paid to discourage everything cept minding the party line... its a communits country after all. They probably get shot if they smile on duty.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
I wonder what the Chinese authorities thought of the IOC's recommendations.
They will probably shoot someone and bill the cost of the bullet to the IOC. SHeesh.. I'm still laughing about the obvious DUH factor there. Who'da thunk it... humorless government officials in a bastion of communism? SO what if they shot their own citizens in Tianamen Square... these guys are a really just a bunch of Mr. Silly Pants guys when you get right down to it, aren't they? Naivety... it slays me.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
They may not be happy about it...but they sure put on a heck of a show. I was mulit-multi-tasking Friday night. (working, listening to FFR & watching TV) Thrilled to see the opening ceremony.
The only thing I didn't like? The Hungarian women's outfits. Looked like someone sprayed them with a machine gun.
Do any of you watch "Project Runway"? A couple of weeks ago they had a design-an-outfit-for-the-Olympic-team challenge. I couldn't help but think about that challenge when I was watching the Parade of Nations.
I want to ask that girl for my 9-iron... even though I don't own golf clubs. She just looks like she should be caddying at Loch Lloyd or something. Yeah... coulda done better on the outfits. Last time I saw a person seriously wearing an ascot, it was with a smoking jacket... Ponzo the night shift guy at our office years ago. He got razzed for that for about 5 years.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.