I think this could be VERY useful. I'll be bookmarking it.
It's a web site that lets you set up a temporary email address which will forward any emails it receives to your regular email. Then, after a length of time that you set it will become inactive.
This is great for registering at web sites you might be worried will sell your address to spammers, and several other applications. Very cool.
I read a lot of online newspapers and it gets frustrating because a lot of them will let you read for awhile then require registration, but I hate having to give my email address out.
I use a second email just for that stuff, but I still have to abandon it and open a new one every year or so because the spam gets so bad.
This way I could just maintain my one email address for web sites and stuff, and my one for personal contacts.
That's what I do right now too.....one address for people to contact me at, another just for registering at websites. Every time I've come home from vacation this summer, that email account has had hundreds of spam email in it.