And greetings from my new home on Magnetic Island...8 kilometres off the coast of Townsville and a short 20 minute ferry ride to get to the mainland! Ahhhhhh!!!! Our little piece of paradise! (Type Magentic Island Townsville in google image search to see images of my new island home!!)
All has been going well! My girls are almost ready to come home (they have been transferred to Townsville Hospital where there is the best care possible!) We have been busy preparing our little nest in preparation of them coming home! I cannot wait for the day to have our girls home finally!
Kerry and I are well though frazzled from all that has gone on in the past couple of months. But the moment we ended up on the island everything melted away! This is the most amazing place and our girls are going to love growing up here (we have decided to put off our travels to Darwin for a while)! I think we just need to stay put for a while and just relax!
Anyways I have so much to tell and don't know where to start but I plan to visit FFR more regularly now that I have settled down again! Been missing you all and hope to see you soon!
I second that...the pics make it look like your new home is an absolute paradise! I'm glad you and your fam are doing well and getting things settled in your beautiful new home!
-- Heather: "I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"
Thanks Sandy! It feels good to have the girls nearby! And I'm happy not living in a cold hospital anymore! Yay!!!!! They are coming home!!!!!!!
And yes Magentic Island is beautiful. I could not ask for anything more! A wonderful husband and family, a new home in a wonderful place and lol REAL FOOD!!!!! I have been in food heaven! After a couple of years of no variety in food I have everything at my fingertips again! I have been busy sampling everything in sight again! LOL not good when you are trying to lose baby weight (in the end I'm impressed that I shrunk down again so quick though!)
Hey thanks Web and Ggal!!! I didn't realise you both were online as well! Thank you so much for your well wishes! You all must come and visit me on the island one day!
Hey thanks JR!!! And yes I will be around more often! I feel like I've come home to my family!
By the do I post pics in here again??? LOL it has been such a long time since I have been able to that I have forgotten! I have loads to upload and share!
Well I got me a pile of uploading to do! Whoa this is going to be a big job! 2 years of happy snaps to share with you all! Gonna introduce you to my girls! Oh and my husband too!! FINALLY!!!!!!!!!!
I've been impatiently waiting to show you all! LOL my pc is finally on it's way to me since I can now afford internet! Wow! That's gonna be weird! I'm finally going to have sound again too which means YAY!!!! I will finally be able to tune in again!