Since i started wine thread, I also will start the Friday thread.
TGIF!!!!! And the mystery is solved on the black tape on the volleyball players shoulders, thanks to Yahoo story this morning. IT was bothering me, why she had that on her shoulder.
I did it again, I exercised this morning! And I'm in a good mood. Of course, I've already had a cup of coffee and now I'm working on a latte. But hopefully that'll motivate me to get more work done.
Morning all. I am certainly glad it is Friday. Going to do what I can to plow through this day and get a lot of work completed. Hopefully, the day will pass quickly and I will accomplish a ton. I am trying to be optimistic. Is is working?
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
finally dragging up from the paperwork netherworld. sometimes the payback for taking a vacation is almost not worth it... but i'm to a point where i'll be able to play some...
i've been missing y'all! hope everyone is doing well!
smiles everyone! smiles!
You should fear anything that can bleed for seven days without dying... (as told to Mr. DS on 3-12-10)
As is usually the case in instances like this, the most mundane explanation is also the correct one. The black markings on Walsh's shoulder are a sort of medical tape. Specifically, it's called kinesio tape, a special elastic material designed to support muscles while offering an unimpeded range of motion. Walsh had shoulder surgery last fall to remove bone chips, bone spurs and scar tissue that had built up over a lifetime of setting and spiking. The tape, and taping method, help stabilize the shoulder during the match and aids in circulation.
Happy Friday, all. I'm finally checking in. Been busy this morning printing the flight itenerary and airline baggage policies for the trip next week. I'm hoping that this might prevent some airport hassles. Looks like we might get some more rain today, but it should be fairly pleasant temperature wise... probably mid 70's.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Mornin' gang. Actually almost afternoon already. Another night of not falling asleep until 5 AM.
For some reason I'm just not tired until I'm overtired lately.
I was HOPING to wake up to an email from a local car dealer. Bob King (He's the KING of deals) but as is so typical with these companies that use the internet as a sales tool, he seems to ignore his emails.
I was hoping to verify that they still have a car in their inventory before I head out there today. It looks like I'm going to trade in my soccer mom mini-van for a newer, younger soccer mom mini-van
They have a nice 2004 Dodge Caravan with only 49,000 miles on it. I'll be upgrading from a 1998 Chevy Venture with 160,000 miles. I don't want to trade it in but it's been running really poorly. It was stalling out a lot at stops. But lately it's started to stall while its driving too. That's more risk than I care to take every time I drive.
So todays agenda is to pay the King a visit, and hopefully work out a deal for a new vehicle.
By the way, Grandma's big move went without a hitch. No tears! She went with a smile. We're all very relieved.