OK You all know me as a stats kinda guy, Well, after seeing everyone numbered for bingo as to the # they signed up, I wanted to see who had made the biggest jump where they signed up to where they are on the current post count list, plus a few other things. (ties go to the person who signed up first, this also right before Brad's First Offical Post...woulda had to redo a couplestats...next time Brad)
Biggest Jump Up: Sparky +20 (Signed up 27th, Currently 7th)
Farthest Fall: Meeniegreenie –21 (Signed up 4th, Currently 25th)
Most Posts: Jeremy Riggs 774 posts (Duh)
Least Posts: 7 Tied with 0 (c’mon people…post a bit)
# With No Change: 6 members (Riggs, JD the Jazz Doctor, Mocrzy, MusicCityMan, Announcer, & Brad)
I mean, on one hand it's good we have so many new members, but wow, I guess a lot of them aren't very social!
Here's another stat to add to the pile, monthly sign-up numbers.
OCT - 7 NOV - 7 DEC - 6 JAN - 15
A HUGE jump in January when we were pushing the Bingo game, I imagine a lot of the new members only signed up to play Bingo, but that's okay, because as long as they are registered we have a better chance of converting them into community members at some point.