Mz, what will hook you on exercise is how it makes you feel afterwards. Riggs is can be can be fun too...but what will help it become a habit is all those little endorphins floating around making you feel good will miss that.
I like the exercise, and I like the feeling I get afterwards. Not sure about the endorphins thing, but I at least get a feeling of accomplishment. The downfall will be that nice warm bed when I have to clean the car off in the middle of winter. Especially since I'll have to get up even earlier then. But I'll cross that bridge when I come to it. Maybe I'll somehow acquire a treadmill, exercise bike, or a Wii and Wii Fit by then.
From the sound of it, you have a pretty full schedule but you seem like a strong willed person. Once you put your mind to it, there is nothing you cant do.