This arrived in the mail for me today. A gift from my baseball hatin' buddy web.
Can anyone guess the significance of it? It's a tough one so I'm guessing not.
I think Web was feeling for me a bit because he knows that the whole Jenn thing and my car troubles was weighing on me more than I let on. But I gotta say, just having him around to listen to me go on and on about my problems is gift enough! However, I won't give this back!
C'mon! Guess what it is!!!! It's REAAAAAAAAAAALLY cool!!!! As you can see there's a certificate of authenticity and letter from the original owner, so that should be a little bit of a hint.
Web: Thanks a MILLION. A "just because" gift can really brighten a persons month
I'll give a better hint, but I want to wait until the others get back because I think there's a small chance someone might just guess it if they know me well enough.