too much cross contamination on the knife the way you guys do it.
You spread the jelly on one piece of bread, place it on the table, then you hold the second piece of bread, using a NEW knife you spread the peanut butter on it (this way no jelly winds up in the peanut butter jar).
When finished you neatly place the peanut butter filled bread on top of the jelly filled piece and ENJOY!
Man you ARE weird!! You use 2 knives??? Heck, I just wipe the peanut butter off the knife on the top slice, stick the knife back in the jelly, smear it on the peanut butter, wipe the knife off again on the top slice. No cross contamination going on with my sandwiches.
Oh, I hate cross-contamination of the jelly. I don't like peanut butter so when it gets it the jelly it grosses me out & I can't use the jelly anymore. Same with butter. I hate it when someone gets it in the jelly. EW!
Figures. You like 2 peanut butters. I like 2 Jellies.
Hey! You guys could do the whole reeses commercial. Mema in one car fixing her peanut butter sandwich and Pambo fixing her jelly sandwich in her car and bam head on collision!
Sometimes, when i'm lonely... i crawl into a laundry basket and tickle my ears. But, Some times I don't...
I put peanut butter on both sides. PBJ's don't hold me over for long so I like to add extra peanut butter. Plus I don't like jelly soaking through the bread
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
I don't do the cross contamination thing either. I'm a wash in between jars kind of girl. Speaking of cross contamination though... the one that irritates me is toast crumbs in the butter! The ex used to do that all the time.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
I hate toast crumbs in the butter!! It seems like everyone in my house hasn't figured this out yet because they're always leaving crumbs in the butter.
Oh, I hate cross-contamination of the jelly. I don't like peanut butter so when it gets it the jelly it grosses me out & I can't use the jelly anymore. Same with butter. I hate it when someone gets it in the jelly. EW!
I am not obsessive compulsive.
Me EITHER! You open the jelly next time and there's globs of peanut butter in it! YUCK! Or vice versa with the jelly in the peanut butter.
I guess if it were left to us the Reeses Peanut Butter Cup would have gone undiscovered!
I'll never grow up. Grown ups are boooorrrrriiiiiiiiiinnnnnggggg!!!!!
Actually, my parents loved the crunchy kind and that's all we ever had when I lived at home. The first food item I bought for myself when I moved out was a jar of smooth peanut butter. Man, was that good!!! No more bits of peanuts stuck in my teeth, no more biting into a sandwich and having a sharp pain in a tooth from a chunk of peanut.
Having trouble memorizing the 11 times tables?? Here is a really easy trick that will help you master about all the 11s tables up to 50! First you take any number multiplied by 11 such as 26. Take both the 2 and the 6 and add them togetherand you get 8. Then put the number 8 in-between the 2 and the 6 and you have 286. Try another number such as 45. You know the drill, 4+5=9. 495 is the answer. This can help you out a very lot when you are multiplying big numbers by 11. The only part it becomes tricky is when the numbers that add up are over 9. Then you have to carry over and find out the answer.