It would be kind of funny to ask some girl in a bar if she wanted to take a ride in your Corvette and then take her outside to one of those
Hey, baby . . . are you ready to go?
Oh, before you get in, if you wouldn't mind, be a dear and place your foot on the top of the car there, and pull hard on that rope . . . I killed the engine.
It does make you wonder why they made the original smart car so dorky looking. Heck, why not make it attractive, it can't be that much more money can it?
Oh dang... I saw a Smart on the road the other day when I was going back to the office from lunch. I happened to be driving my Excursion. Granted that is an absurdly oversized vehicle, but when that little thing rolled across the street in front of me, I couldn't tell who's look of horror was worse... mine or the dude driving the Smart!
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.