This is a new idea. Every month, we want to let YOU vote on one 80's singer to induct into the Freeze-Frame 80's Hall Of Fame.
Each months inductee will have a detailed information page about them on the Freeze-Frame website and the station playlist will include EVERY SONG THEY HAVE EVER RECORDED that we can get our hands on!
So let's start voting! The final tally will be counted Friday, February 11'th at Midnight for the February entrant!
Entrant with the most votes wins. Ties will be decided by who has had more #1 hits in the 80's. If they are still tied it will be decided by who has had more top 40 hits. If they are STILL tied it will be decided by most Hot 100 hits. If they are STILL tied it will be decided by eye color!
Each name only gets 5 months on the ballot, if they are not elected in within 5 months they are not eligable for another year.
The new name placed on the ballot (for next month) will be determined by the most write-in votes on this thread. Ties will be decided the same way as listed above.