I came home to a letter in the mailbox that looked all official from the IRS.
As you can imagine, since I wasn't expecting a letter from ol' Sammy boy I panicked. Was it a notice of audit because of how weird my taxes have looked for two years? Did they finally notice that had deducted my drinks at the casino as a business expense? None of the above.
It seems they noticed an error on my 2007 taxes and ol' uncle Sammy just couldn't sleep at night until he set things right. So he cut me a check for $275 to cover the error and interest!
You should really speak with whomever did your taxes JR as to why they did your return incorrectly. And then tell them you want whatever fee you paid back. I wonder if it was a calculation error.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
You should really speak with whomever did your taxes JR as to why they did your return incorrectly. And then tell them you want whatever fee you paid back. I wonder if it was a calculation error.
Um, that would be me
BUT, in my defense, there's something goofy going on with this EIC credit because when I got my tax refund they had changed it and said I didn't qualify for some reason or another.
So I think my return was fine, they changed it incorrectly and now realized the error. I'll have to dig em' out and see.
I just realized too that the letter I got says I should receive a check in two weeks for $270 for refund and interest, but the check arrived the same day and is for $275.25
Apparently the short time between writing my letter and cutting the check added $5.25 in interest!
At that rate I wish they'd have waited the full two weeks to send it
Could be. You know that, generally, the people who work as data entry clerks for IRS are not too bright.
And you wouldn't have received any more interest. They cut it off as of the day they process it for payment. Correspondence from the IRS is always slower that the check. Two different divisions and such. That is why many of us received our checks before our notice about receiving a check as part of the economic stimulus this year.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
And here I thought you were my partner in crime. I see how you operate.....on my side as long as JR isn't around, but the minute he is, you're back on his team. Happy Bunny will be paying you a visit soon!!!
For one tax season I did data entry for the IRS. Third shift!!!! It's probably not stupids (well, sometimes it is)... probably lack of sleep. I vividly remember laughing myself to tears one night over something someone wrote in the "occupation" field by the signature line... I have no clue why, but at 3AM "Cog in the wheel of commerce" tore me up!
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.