I normally work 3rd shift. But with the knee injury, I am off, but still up. I think I am gonna try and sleep but I thought my last Wednesday post would be Thursday's first.
I'm here, but in not-so-great of a mood. Sometimes I wonder if I'm just plain losing it.
My boss is out of the office today. Hopefully that means I'll actually get some stuff done. But it could also mean that a bunch of her customers could call in, and I'll have to do her job too. I'm really hoping for the quiet day, I need it.
I worked from 9:00 until 2:00 this morning. Slept for about 3 hours. And here I am again. Dude. I'm tired. Trying to put some pep in my step with some catchy tunes though.
I am here got a great night sleep after a HORRIBLE evening. Everything is going wrong... a/c in the van went out yesterday, Emily was left out of the calls about cheerleading, so she is behind, but she will start cheering next week, her teacher sent a note home that she is behind in school standards- which means that she does not know 80% of the alphabet upper and lower case ,Ruby ate my MP3 player and Zach is sick.
I am really upset about emily and her teacher and sent a scathing letter back. She is 5 in kindergarten and does not every letter and that is what I thought they would learn this year. She was tested the first week and made a 46, I worked with her- flash cards and books and games and the next week she made a 48, but this week she got a 77. I think that is GREAT and I will not let her b of a teacher discourage her progress or me. SHE IS 5!
Today hopefully will be better, I am leaving early to take the boy to the dermatologist- his poor face is behind bad:(
Morning. all. It was another short night of sleep for me. I was awake til around 1:30. Just woke up about 20 minutes ago... changed the channel on the TV to the news like I do every morning. What do I see first thing? Pictures of World Trade Center smouldering... they are re-running their coverage of the events to 09/11/01. Very sad. I was sitting here watching the second plane hit the second tower and I could swear for a minute I was back at my desk watching that live on my little portable TV. I honestly almost threw up... just like that morning. Now, I just want to cry.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
I can't imagine what it must be like to have been there or known a person that was lost in the attacks. Daily, troops die in war. That's one of those sad but true facts. Civilians on the other hand. That's not at all right.
All I wanted was a Pepsi, and SHE wouldn't Give it to me.
Squonk, I can't say that I could name you a name of a specific person that I personally knew, but I sure remember it just like it was yesterday. I was watching the live coverage from just a bit before the second plane hit through the rest of the day well into the evening. It was so unbelieveable. That was the first real disaster I ended up working on for my company.
-- Edited by Mad Mema at 08:24, 2008-09-11
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
I am here but busy. I tried to get some work outta the way before logging in and it took me longer than I expected. The first thing I heard on the radio this morning was people crying. It was then that I knew what the date was. I do not want to forget what happened but I am a very emotional person and that just breaks my heart and I always end up crying when I watch or listen to the stories.
I was still the facility manager at the shop when this happened. I remember being scared and sad. I wanted to listen to every report that came on the radio but because of the field I work in I couldn't. I had to switch all the radios to playing whatever cd's we had so that our consumers would not become upset or paranoid. Then when I got home I couldn't take me eyes off the news.
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
Thursday. What can I say? Not much. I am just glad it is creeping towards the end of the work week. The week has seemed long.
I have a problem waiting for things from other departments. Yesterday around noon I asked AP for some invoices. I need to review them to see if we paid sales tax. Blah, blah. I only asked for five invoices to review. For a month that is a great number for me since it is usually a lot more. It should take less than 10 minutes to pull them out. I still don't have them. I use to be able to get to the files before we moved. Now they have a centralized file location and we have no access. I follow the procedure, asked the manager for what I need. Her temp couldn't find my stuff yesterday afternoon. Actually, he told me he spent the afternoon looking and only found one. I asked the manager again this morning for my stuff. The temp won't be in until noon. Fine. Let me in and I'll get the crap myself. I need it now. I needed it yesterday when I asked for it. No. Apparently, since they share this location with other departments (HR & Legal), they can only get in at certain times of the day. Are you kidding me? So you push me back on my work, that after all is said and done, some of it affects your department? And then when I say, "I have to have these checks today" you will tell me I missed the cutoff and can't have them? Bite me. Taxes have deadlines and you know that.
Sorry for the summarized rant. And I was more business like during the whole thing. I feel better now though.
As for it being Sept 11th. I do my best not to think about it. I will not turn the tv on. I don't need to see all that horror over and over. I realize that the motto is "We will never forget". Not that any of us ever could, but how can you when they show us footage every year?
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
Thursday. What can I say? Not much. I am just glad it is creeping towards the end of the work week. The week has seemed long.
I have a problem waiting for things from other departments. Yesterday around noon I asked AP for some invoices. I need to review them to see if we paid sales tax. Blah, blah. I only asked for five invoices to review. For a month that is a great number for me since it is usually a lot more. It should take less than 10 minutes to pull them out. I still don't have them. I use to be able to get to the files before we moved. Now they have a centralized file location and we have no access. I follow the procedure, asked the manager for what I need. Her temp couldn't find my stuff yesterday afternoon. Actually, he told me he spent the afternoon looking and only found one. I asked the manager again this morning for my stuff. The temp won't be in until noon. Fine. Let me in and I'll get the crap myself. I need it now. I needed it yesterday when I asked for it. No. Apparently, since they share this location with other departments (HR & Legal), they can only get in at certain times of the day. Are you kidding me? So you push me back on my work, that after all is said and done, some of it affects your department? And then when I say, "I have to have these checks today" you will tell me I missed the cutoff and can't have them? Bite me. Taxes have deadlines and you know that.
Sorry for the summarized rant. And I was more business like during the whole thing. I feel better now though.
Maybe if you sit back, filing your nails until you get the documents you need, they'll get the idea that you needed the stuff YESTERDAY!
I feel like a jerk, but I had to mute the TV and turn up the tunes. Its still so painful, yet I just don't feel like I can change the TV to something else.
Sent a good morning message to my other best friend. I wished him a good day and told him I'm a little bummed. In response, he sent me a picture of himself acting like a goof. No wonder I love that guy... no matter how sad or mad I am, he can always make me smile.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
They don't care. Plus, I don't sit near AP. Problem is, I don't know who to complain to about it. My boss is useless since she is offsite. And our boss, who is here, doesn't really care about us. Long story. Short version - he is a bad manager. I guess I could try your suggestion though. I do sit outside the CEO's office now. Somehow, I think I will still end up being the one in trouble.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
Bad management is frustrating, Fuzzy. I deal with it too. My immediate boss is a spineless corporate yes man. His boss is relatively lazy. Neither one of them know much about what we do for a living in our group, despite the fact that boss #2 used to be one of our design engineers. My solution: As fortunes have it, my Director ( boss's boss's boss) is a friend of mine from well before I worked for him. I go to happy hour with him a few times a month. Every time I see him, it's hugs and laughs. Drives the other two INSANE... and makes them be nice to me. They have learned to be a bit supportive around the office too. If they get out of line, I just tell an amusing story about the last time I was hanging out with "Skippy". Yeah, it's shameless but effective. The really great part is Skippy and I never speak of them.
-- Edited by Mad Mema at 09:40, 2008-09-11
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
What is sad here is, I swear, that he doesn't care about us. I don't know if it is really us or the subject matter. There are only two of us. We are the corporate tax department. I think things are made worse by the fact that my boss is offsite in WA. Trust me, there are days that I think I would kill her if she were here. In the meantime, she has a hard time dealing with him. He doesn't answer e-mails and other things. Mind you, I only get her side of things. But I know how he ignores me. Typical manager that only says something to me when he needs something. I hope that I always have the answer available or have it where I can say, "Yes. I will send that to you."
I am sure you know what I mean.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
Oh yeah. My supervisor knows next to nothing about our network, so his massive contribution to any major activity is to stand there playing "20 questions" while we are trying to work. His boss is a slacker who stands there playing with his phone. Good luck to us trying to get them to help with anything other than deciding where to go to lunch on Friday.
I've also had the "pleasure" of working for the invisible man, the out of control pill-popping perv, and the stress monger. Bad management sucks. Truly, I feel for you.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
The 9/11 parade already started a week ago. A lot of the cable stations were showing their own documentaries on them. I actually don't mind it. It brings tears to my eyes every time I sit and watch a documentary and I hope it still does 30 years from now. I'm one of the ones that never wants to forget or bury it in my memory.
I've noticed among my friends and family there is a HUGE difference between the the people who sat and watched every minute of the event unfold live compared to the people who just saw pieces of it while they tried to work or do other things.
I think the people who watched every minute really got absorbed into the moment, kind of in the way you can lose yourself in a movie. They seem to be more upset about the entire event even now seven years later. The ones that had other things going on or just saw the replays later seem more interested in just moving forward and not being reminded about what happened.
Before anyone jumps on me, I'm not saying that applies to EVERYONE, and I'm not saying one view of 9/11 is better than the other. I'm only saying that in my circle of friends and family the difference is obvious.
Now on a fun note.
WOO! What the heck!!! Is that the first non-Buffy avatar you've ever used?!?!?
Jeremy Riggs wrote:WOO! What the heck!!! Is that the first non-Buffy avatar you've ever used?!?!?
What gives?
don't be silly. I've had other images besides Buffy. I just thought I would join you for Ghostbusters. Although to honest, I always see the evil Stay Puft Marshmallow Man in my head
-- Edited by Woo Hoo at 10:37, 2008-09-11
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
I wrote a story a few months ago kinda inspired by 9-11. It kind of goes like this....(ahem)....
The Grill Out Guy
some of the best glimpses of life come to me when I'm simply out back by my grill.
I treat my grill times oftentimes as a sort of exercise in Zen. Not on purpose either. Lets use the element of fire, my volition, barter for nature provided sustenance, the joy of wine and get outside and cook a meal that has the whole neighborhood salivating. This is what I do. Its so simple, just people in their busy lives don't take the time to do it themselves as often as they should. Fire? In a microwave world? pheh. Like food is some sort of problem to solve.
Tonight I was out back at my grill. Stinkin up the neighborhood with smoked porkchops, southern style peppers & corn, and warmed hard-rolls.
I've been here for a few years now, so much so that I suppose I'm known as "the grill out guy". In years past, young couples have walked by, lady pregnant. A few months later, a baby carriage. Very nice young people liking their neighborhood and I must look like a nice enough "the grill out guy" neighbor. (In some cases at least. We got some cell phone innundated baby makin machines here too that hate walking, much less their neighbors etc.)
well tonight, a lot of these kids are out in the alley becoming friends. I am guessing ages 4 to maybe 10. a young group of girls in this age range were walking arm-in-arm starting to own their world. It was great! "I don't like that garage, that garage is stupid. Ooooh look at the roses etc. hey that car has a flat tire, lets go look!!"
they walk past the yard of "the grill out guy". "Hey is something on fire!?" "Hey that smells goooood!" Littlest one coughs. Oldest one "hey what are you cooking???"
"Tonight ladies, its smoked pork chops, hard-rolls and southern style corn with red peppers!"
"wow! yum!!" littlest one still coughs. "my dad just makes hot dogs!!!!!"
Of course he does, little lady. Of course he does.
It reminded me of September 11, 2001. 9-11. Jeremy Riggs and I were to take a couple of friends to the new Miller Park to see it for their first time. The events of that day unfolded, all ballgames (obviously) cancelled, and we all ended up that afternoon talking about the day and watching the news loops on Riggs tv. We had planned to tail-gate before the game, and decided that, at the very least, we should still grill out and be thankful that in spite of that terrible day, we were here, the new future of gloom busted through the door of America, but nothing was more important than friends, family and loved ones that day.
I started up the grill on the front porch. Noticed a lot of kids out that day, a lot of people on their front porches, neighbors talking, etc. Right as the fire got going good, a little girl came up, maybe 7 yrs old, in face paint. "I'm a lion!" she announced. Indeed she was. "What are you making??" "Hamburgers and cheeseburgers, Lion!!" Pretty soon a couple of other girls walked by "I'm a tiger! I'm a princess!- Hey what are you making!?" Pretty soon it was apparent that on this block on that terrible day, it was a day for a parade of children.
Those children probably now are ready to enter high-school. Here comes the next wave of lion, tiger and princess children loving their world tho. I'm still at the grill as I think I will always be in my summers.
"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus. Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09
The ones that had other things going on or just saw the replays later seem more interested in just moving forward and not being reminded about what happened.
That would be me. I was at work. I only saw a little bit of things. Saw it all when I got home later that night. It is hard to watch. It is upsetting. I not much on emotions. I am very good at being angry though. Things bother me. But the thing that upsets me the most is seeing someone else upset. I don't like those feelings so I do my best to stay away from those situations.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
Fuzzy you just described me when I was younger. I never cried in front of anyone. I always held my feelings in except anger. But when my Grammy died it all changed. I was still acting normal for the most part. i went outside her room at the funeral home because I couldn't take it anymore. But someone insisted on hugging me. I yelled at them not to do it. When they did I lost it. I've been a blubbering fool ever since. Today I think I soak in everyone's emotions- kinda an empath. That's what it feels like anyways.
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
I don't think that's unusual. It took my Dad nearly 55 years before he could cry!
I remember when I was seven and my grandfather died, my Dad's Dad. It really bother my father that he couldn't cry over losing his own father. But for some people emotions are tough to show I was just telling Webguy the other day that something happened somewhere in the late 90's that changed my Dad. Suddenly he became more open. He'd talk about his time in Vietnam, and he'd show emotion more openly. When my other grandfather died in 2000 he was very emotional over it.
Once he opened up more our relationship got so much better. It was if we went from being just Father and Son to being friends too. I'm so glad that happened before he passed away.
So Woo, you're basically an emotional sponge now huh? I can kind of relate to that. My problem is that stuff sticks with me too long. I have a really hard time letting go of emotional things that I've experienced or people I know have experienced.
I suspect 9/11 will be just as strong in my mind when I'm 90 as it is today.
That's the crazy thing about my job... some of these things become all to real. I remember getting to the office just a bit late... only had a few minutes to start my computer before running off to the conference room to do a training class on the latest switch software upgrade. I was all wrapped up in thinking I was so happy this was the last class to do for that load. I HATE the whole public speaking thing... and I was the instructor.
One of my co-workers stopped me. He had a panicked look on his face...nothing unusual there, but he said that a Cessna had hit World Trade Center and it was all over the news. Wanted to know what he should do if there was a calling event. I thought about it and told him to call the Network Operations Contol Center and make sure they had the extra capacity trunks turned up for that area and to let me know... I'd be in the training class for an hour or so.
15 minutes later, he came into the class and said that the NOCC supervisor wanted to talk to me NOW. It was serious. I dismissed the class and went to my desk. Everybody was freaking out that the one building was on fire. I had my portable TV there, so I turned it on. Right then, my mom called me freaking out about the terrorists. E-mail was blowing up with orders to stay out of the network... panic everywhere. I was still trying to sort it all out when I watched as the second plane hit. Thought I was going to throw up right then. I'm not a panic person. I don't believe in crying in the work place. It was just so surreal.
Next thing I know, there was aircraft circling Overland Park's airspace. Our building was on the "protected" list because of all the critical communications functions. Found myself up in the NOCC with a bunch of Managers, Directors, and VPs answering their questions about the network facilities and making plans to get service working again... and spent the next month on a daily conference call with techs from the other phone companies trying to restore service to lower Manhattan.
I'll never forget those images or how that really felt. It's not that I won't watch the shows about it. It's that when I do, its like being right back in that moment of seeing the plane hit the building. I get queezy, sad, and mad all over again. Probably always will.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.