By now you have probably guessed I use my nickname as a screen name. When I was a freshman in high school I worked at a store simular to the Walmarts and K Marts.
I was 16 at the time and my manager thought he would save a few bucks by letting me change the ballasts in all the lights in the store that were out. He thought since I had taken a class called Electricity 1 the semister before I was a qualified Electician. Mind you most of the lights are 20+ feet from the ground. So I'm up on the ladder twisting wires together when another co-worker decides it sure was dark in the back corner and turns the breaker box back on.
Two hours later and an EKG, they finally released me from the hospital. I've been called Sparky ever Since.
Sometimes, when i'm lonely... i crawl into a laundry basket and tickle my ears. But, Some times I don't...
not as electryfing a story as Sparky but through my school days, I was known as Fairy, and no, not because of a fetish for wearing sparkly pink frocks and little wings, but beacuse my lastname is Fairhurst! I later found out that my dad and brother both had the same nickname at school!
I've had different nicknames over the years. Nothing profound. My dad called my Fish. Trish - Fish. My sister's name is Pam and she was Ham. My dad is notorious for giving nicknames. Didn't call me Fish in front of my friends, for which I am eternally grateful. Sometimes he says "Fishheads and rice". What can I say, he has an off sense of humor.
I was called "D" in high school, but it had more to do with body proportions, than anything else, and Smurfette, because I'm a blonde (though strawberry blonde is more accurate).
I worked as a bartender and they called me Trish the Dish.
Like I said, not anything profound.
Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you do criticize them you will be a mile away and have their shoes.