I loved that show. Archie was such a jerk. You are correct... he is lightweight now. Still, that show confronted a lot of social issues. It was awesome for the time!
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Hmm.. when I was really little, Hawaii 5-0. BOOK 'EM, DANO! I got to stay up late to watch that one. As I got a little older, it was a toss up between The Muppet Show, MASH, and All In The Family. By junior high it was all about the guys instead of the quality of the shows... Airwolf... Jan Michael Vincent... and I can't remember the name of acutal show, but it was a spy show starring Jon Eric Hexum until he died. Loved Moonlighting too when it came on. Guess I was a Dallas watcher too for a while. Lost interest in TV during high school.
What were your shows?
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
FAvorite cartoons: Johnny Quest, and Bugs Bunny. Both animation styles were really unique.
Favorite shows......Star Trek (who didnt want to play coboys and Klingons... besides William Shatner was a space whore...he didnt care what species the women were) Bob Newhart, Mary Tyler Moore Barney Miller Magnum PI White Shadow The paper Chase...One of the reasons I went to law school
Barney Miller and Magnum P.I. ROCKED! Captain Kirk was an intergalactic he-ho. Loved that show too.
My favorite cartoons were Bugs Bunny and the old Woody Woodpecker ones.... Woody was a jerk! Really loved the ones they did about the house of tomorrow and the car of tomorrow.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
I want my jet pack or flying car. You think about it...all the technological advances since we were kids...microwaves, digital electronics, the clapper and still no flying car. What a gip.
Exactly! And what's with no clear floor in the car so you can see if the person you just ran over was anybody you knew? I was really looking forward to that.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
I'll sing in the shower, and in the car if I'm alone or with my husband or a really good friend. I've had friends tell me that I'm good, but I'm skeptical. I think I tend to imitate more than sing, if that makes any sense.
I can not sing. I do not know what notes are. I can't even get that whole rhythm thing down. But that doesn't stop me from singing badly in the car and around the house. Or occasionally, if we are fooling around at the bar. When you are sitting with a bunch of drunks it doesn't really matter what you sound like.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
i can't sing well, but i'm pretty sure people would like to put me in a well when i do sing...
seriously, when i was in grade school and we had music class, the teacher -- Mr. Thomas -- told me to "just move your lips" when we were practicing for the Christmas program...
You should fear anything that can bleed for seven days without dying... (as told to Mr. DS on 3-12-10)
I will say that I used to be able to sing. I was in choir through jr high and HS except 7th grade. My voice was an in betweener. I was more comfortable with Alto so I sang that but the teacher could have put me as Soprano. She wanted me to audition for our solo group but I was too shy. I remember a guy in the class asking me later if I had made the cut. When I told him I didn't audition he was surprised and told me that I would have made it (no we didn't date)
But as Dylan said, it's something you need to practice and keep up with. I have not and now I don't think I sound as good anymore. I used to sing in the car a lot and around the house. But I rarely sing around my husband and I am almost always with him. I should sing to cover his singing up! He knows he can't sing!
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
I didn't really watch tv growing up. In the 80's I toured with a group called Young America, so used to perform on stage. I wish I would have pursued it now, but gave it up becasue it didn't pay well enough.
I did once date a girl that danced on broadway. She stayed at the Park East when they came performing 42nd street. One dream fulfilled, dated a dancer.
Um...I'm sure I can sing if you are completely tone deaf :) The funny thing is, is that I'm the furthest thing from tone deaf, and I make my own brain want to fall out.