The bag of new Hanes underwear I bought at Wal-Mart are clearly marked XL (yeah, I'm an XL, SO WHAT! ) but as I started putting on a pair I thought to myself "that's odd, these sure feel tight on my leg". Then when I got em' completely on I found myself gasping for air and speaking as if I had just sucked some helium.
Turns out my five pack of Hanes XL Briefs is instead comprised of 1 XL, 1 Large, 1 Medium (which I have now tried on) and 2 Small.
WHAT THE !?!?!?!
Maybe this is the dieters special. A pair of undies for every new level of thin that you acheive.
Not trying to mock your bind... pardon the pun... but I don't care who ya are, that there is funny. Perchance you should contact their customer care department and threaten to sue for distress.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
I know. I laughed too once I saw all the different sizes in the pack. at first I thought they just mislabeled medium as XL. No big deal right, just a mixup. Then I looked at all the other pairs and realized it was a grab bag!
I bought two packs and luckily the other ones were all the proper size.
You know, when I unrolled em' (they come rolled up) I thought they looked small. I should have checked the label before trying them on. I guess I just wanted to believe that was how small my butt is.
At any rate. I've made a full recovery. I don't sound like Minnie Mouse anymore