Everyone here makes a pretty concerted effort not to get this direct in their political rants. We veer deep into political talk now and then, but this is the most pointed political thread I think I've ever seen on our forum.
So I have two questions for you.
1) Are you SURE you want to open this kind of a can of worms on a forum thats PRIMARILY a friendly one.
and 2) Are you willing to deal with the consequences?
Because if you WANT to get into it politically I will. But trust me, it's in no ones best interest that we do.
It's all opinion, I am reading on all candidates.. I am not saying let's all hate one, or vote for another.... just get yourself educated. I am sure I can find dirt on all of them...this today was most shocking for me.
That's all, I can't stand politics..... so go on any rant you all want, I will be the first to admit I won't be one to fight back...... cuz I am still reading up on all of them
I don't know Palin any better than I know a second cousin. I'm not ready to stand and defend her. But I do know that I've already heard BOTH sides of all the issues you just posted. Reports from pro-Palin reporters and from anti-Palin reporters and NONE of the above is rock solid truth.
There is an area somewhere in the middle that most of it falls.
My concern here is that you are interested in putting graphics like the first post up and "news" articles giving only one side of the story in a thread that for all intents and purposes comes off as an anti-Sarah Palin thread.
I think we've all tried to stay away from that type of thing. I know I fight the urge practically daily to post some of my views on Obama or Biden or a whole host of political figures I don't care for.
Yes, threads do turn political, but usually it's a natural progression.
We've found politics in this forum tends to be incredibly dividing, and this thread seems like a flat out announcement of round one.
I'm not going to respond to any of it right now because I don't want to say anything stupid.
Personally, I thought the protest article was good. It gave me some viewpoints on both sides.
The other two are slander, and I wouldn't take them seriously.
That's good to know MZ. I haven't read the articles yet but I will.
Personally it's hard t get past the first photo. I find it offensive and insulting and quite frankly the type of thing I expect to find on moveon.org or some other liberal website. Not ours.