Woo, I have a friend who's a witch. There's no problem with that.
Ghost, when it comes to colors, for me it depends on the color. To me, colors have personalities. This is kind of what I was referring to before, but it's more than just colors. I also can't see auras, that might make a difference, but I still think it would depend on the circumstances. I find black to be calming and reassuring, but standoffish, like a person who tries to be caring but wants to keep their own secrets hidden. But something like a black shirt could have an entirely different personality.
So I don't see things, I just think my keyboard is bored, and my pencil feels like it's loved. (And I hate to admit that I'm not joking here.) I'm guessing I'm first in line for the sanitarium.
Mz, I think I understand what you're saying. I think colors have personalities to you because you're creative...you see colors differently than most people. I don't have a creative bone in my body, but my oldest daughter does and she talks about colors in the same way that you are.
ok I am really thinking that I was meant to find this forum. I remember looking before but then not joining. It kinda haunted me like it was something that I needed to do. I think I was meant to find all of you
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"