Actually, today hasn't been too bad for me. I got a lot done yesterday, and it looks like I might even be able to catch up on some outstanding projects today. (Either that, or I've just jinxed myself.)
Well I get to call tonight after 6 and find out if I have jury duty tomorrow. I'm so hoping that I get to bail this year. Every year is getting really tiresome.
Not much else going on
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
I've got a big "wolf spider" in a jar right next to me. It was right outside the door here at the office so I caught it for the boy. He'll think its pretty neat.
Our son goes to our church's Wednesday night "AWANA" kids club. Its a non-denominational thing our church sponsors. It is attended mostly by kids that don't regularly go to our church. Each kid has a workbook and one of the things they have to do to get through the book is invite a friend once/year. Last week, our son invited one of his classmates to go with him tonight. We even offered to pick the other boy up and bring him home. The boy asked his parents and the initial report was that they said that he could go but they wanted to talk to us first.
I was going to call them this weekend, but they are not in the phone book, so our son told their son that either they would have to call us or we'd need their number. Of course this is going back and forth through 7-8 year olds, but now it sounds like dad is saying he can't go and dad is even somewhat upset that our kid invited their kid. So, now its Wednesday and all we have to go on is the words through the boys. We don't know if he can go or not (hopefully today we'll find out for sure).
I just don't get it. If they don't want their son to go, why not just say "no, we don't want him going"? Why do some people insist on making simple things so difficult?
It's actually chilly here this morning. About 55 overnight, and I left the air on when I slept so it's 66 inside with a ceiling fan blowing on me. I'm actually shaking.
I gotta do laundry today, and get to Walmart to have a tire replaced on the van. I swear I checked out the tires when I bought it, but I've noticed lately that the front passenger side tire is very low on tread and has hundreds if not thousands of tiny cracks on the entire surface. It makes me nervous. Looks like it could turn to dust if I hit a bump. So I''m hoping Wal-Mart has a good deal, if not there's a Firestone nearby too.
Woo - I have heard you should wait as long as you can before calling. That might push your chances of having to go back some.
we're divided into categories. I have to call to see if mine is being called in. I kinda need to know as soon as possible. If I gotta go we need to take a trip out there to refresh me on where to go. I hate having to got to Flint! I gotta park in a garage and then walk some streets over to the courthouse.
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
Emily got picked to switch to a new kindergarten class. I am gonna leave early to go meet the new teacher and prepare her for tomorrow. Plus she goes to the dentist for the first time since her $19000.00 ordeal! Anyway, they sent a letter home asking our preference about switching and I told them I did not have one, but she did not want to switch. I told my husband that I would pray about it. We found out this morning and I told the family, we are going with the flow. She will go from 26 to 16 kids in her class. Her teacher was mean anyway. I think it will be good, but Emily is very upset. This is not a new teacher, so I hope to pick up a good vibe at the end of day.
I liked jury duty. The trial I served for was about a buncha kids that got in a fight where one died. They couldn't figure out who did the stabbing of this kid, so they charged the whole lot of them. My guy was the one at who's house this whole thing took place.
I was the last juror to agree that the dude was guilty of facilitating the assault. I felt sorry for the dude because I could tell he was "limited"...but they didn't bring that up in the trial. I had to go with what they brought up not what I could tell. It was sad.
Emily got picked to switch to a new kindergarten class. I am gonna leave early to go meet the new teacher and prepare her for tomorrow. Plus she goes to the dentist for the first time since her $19000.00 ordeal! Anyway, they sent a letter home asking our preference about switching and I told them I did not have one, but she did not want to switch. I told my husband that I would pray about it. We found out this morning and I told the family, we are going with the flow. She will go from 26 to 16 kids in her class. Her teacher was mean anyway. I think it will be good, but Emily is very upset. This is not a new teacher, so I hope to pick up a good vibe at the end of day.
Later gators....dang job!
All around, that sounds like the switch will be a good thing. I thought E wasn't getting along with the teacher anyway.
I think she has gotten into a routine and even though the teacher is strict, she is happy and she has made good friends. But I am sure they can still see each other at recess and we discovered one girl actually lives down the street from us. I know that Emily is resilient, so I know in the end this will be good. But this morning Ms Dramaqueen was in full action!
I liked jury duty. The trial I served for was about a buncha kids that got in a fight where one died. They couldn't figure out who did the stabbing of this kid, so they charged the whole lot of them. My guy was the one at who's house this whole thing took place.
I was the last juror to agree that the dude was guilty of facilitating the assault. I felt sorry for the dude because I could tell he was "limited"...but they didn't bring that up in the trial. I had to go with what they brought up not what I could tell. It was sad.
I get called every year while my sister has never been. I find it tiresome. I feel like the just keep drawing the same people because they show up. And then it cycles. I get picked, my husband gets picked, then my mother-in-law I also don't like the area where I have to report. Unfortunately when I moved, my county didn't change At least this court is one where I get to call for 2 days to see if I need to report and then be done if not selected. The other court I have to show up on Thurs and Fri for 2 weeks!
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
It used to be the voter registration in PA too. But they found many people would register to vote because of that reason. A number of years ago the changed it to be based on the driver's license.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
Morning all...this day blows. Networks are down, so all of us are sitting in our little cubicles attempting to pass the day without doing any "real" work. It's just our intranet so it's all good I can still harrass everyone on here. People keep coming into my cube and plopping in my extra chair and complaining that they have nothing to do, it's driving me insane. I'm debating putting a bowl of something nasty on the chair so that when they plop down without looking they get a gross surprise...maybe i need more sleep, then i wouldn't have such jerkish thoughts
Hi all. Busy day at work for me today, and I'm glad it's over!
Woo, my husband has to start calling on Monday night to see if he's going to be on a jury. He got the paper in the mail Saturday. I hope this isn't the beginning of his name, then mine, coming up for jury selections. I've never received a notice so it could happen.
My dad was over last night asking me for some financial advice about his money market accounts that aren't FDIC insured. I told him if he wants to cash them in, I'll gladly keep his money for him. He didn't think that was very funny or a very good idea. Wonder why??!
wow! He didn't get much notice Ghost! We get our notice and then hafta return a survey within 10 days. I knew way in advance because I rescheduled, but I think i got the new notice either the end of Aug or the beginning of Sept.
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
They sent a card back in May that said he may be selected for jury duty sometime in the Fall. That was all he got until this other paper came on Saturday. I agree though, it wasn't much advance notice.