Nah... I got a good laugh out of his moral indignation... and I still got to name the dog what I wanted. If he ever learns that, he will be soooooo pist, and it will be a good laugh all over again. Besides... the cat got named Louie. That could only lead to one thing... a lifetime of him having to hear me sing "Louie, Louie" to the cat. Mean, but fun.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
If you think about it, you won't do anything longer than you will be alive. I figure I already put in enough unhappy time. The rest of this life needs to be as fun as possible.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
If you think about it, you won't do anything longer than you will be alive. I figure I already put in enough unhappy time. The rest of this life needs to be as fun as possible.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.