This is the second time I've been targeted on behalf of our company (I manage the website and all those emails come to me) with the same scam, and I'm trying to figure out the point of it.
The scammer will ask for a quote. The first time it was for some outrageous amount of t-shirts, unimprinted, all mediums. This time, it was for 70,000 full color imprinted flyers, but the flyers were just a picture of a cross with "Jesus Is Risen" on them: no church, no denomination. So, there are red flags of unusual orders and high dollar amounts to begin with.
The emails are obviously written by someone whose first language is not English.
I get the quote (just in case it is a real order, I don't want to scare a big order away). They respond back more quickly than someone who is bidding out quotes usually does.
They give a credit card number via email. Most people know email isn't secure and will call it in.
They ask for the approval code after the credit card is run. That's how I know that these scams are related.
So, what's the point? What can someone do with a credit card number and an approval code?