I could see 2 or 3 days, but not nine. Maybe business owners should ask the government for money to help fund this mandated program. You just have to love unfundated mandates. SOX is the biggest example of them all.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
Business owners may just have to start cutting back on the vacation. Maybe you don't get two weeks after two years, but rather you get 5 days a year for the first five years to make up for the sick days.
Or, like JD said, you cost factor it in. A paid sick day every month, broken down over the course of a month means everyone get's .10 less an hour.
I guess if government is going to meddle in your business you have to learn to adjust to it.
If I still had my business of 15 employee and had this law pass it would have been devastating to me. But then I paid my employees the high end of what commercial cleaning was paying.