Since the redesign of the web page the PLAYLIST INFORMATION link to the left has not been active.
We have finally activated it, and it is now the best place you can check to see what the newest adds are to our library.
It is still in it's early stages, so it's not designed the way we will eventually have it, but it gets the point across.
In the future this page will list all of the new adds for the past 30 days, along with downloadable pdf files of the entire playlist and the entire CD library.
It is also where I will update you on the progress of the major upgrade to the request system that I have been promising for some time. It's still in the cards, but I have no firm date for it's arrival.
Finally, this page will also include a "TOP 40" style listing of the CURRENT singles we are featuring, and hopefully will eventually have request buttons along side each song name so you can request them directly from that page.
If there's anything else you think would be helpful to this area of the website, please post your suggestions in this thread.