I am here, the kids are on fall break, but I still have appointments.
I am leaving early today to take the boy for a recheck with the dermatologist. We will see what he says, I see a small change, but not as much as we had hoped as much as we have spent.
My wife is not happy. For some UNKNOWN reason, the bank she works for does not close for Columbus day. The Federal Reserve is closed so there are a bunch of things they can't do but it comes down to its a federal holiday, and it makes no sense for them to have to be open.
I was listening to "Focus on the Family" on the way here this morning. They were running an old interview from about 1993 with Larry Burkett. In the original interview, Larry was talking about his book "The Coming Economic Earthquake". He predicted this crash. He thought it would happen earlier than this, but he saw it coming. He was clear that he does not think he's a prophet or this came from any kind of spiritual insight, rather it was simple math and facts.
What it comes down to is the fact that our government (and us as individuals too) can not continue to run deeper and deeper into debt without eventually being in deeper than what we can work our way back out of. He also expressed what he thinks will happen after the crash . . . I hope he's wrong on that part because if he's correct, we will be in truly serious trouble as a nation.
I dont think there are any quick fixes here...we are not a saver nation we are a debtor nation. We want everything now. That is a mind set that needs to be changed. People need to get away from the "its only so much a month mentality."
I believe our country is truly at a crossroads. Nothing worthwhile ever comes easy though.
Morning, yall! Hope everyone had a restful weekend. I went to see Maranda on Saturday. Took her to Hobby Lobby for frames. Because its only she and another person graduating from the art department, they have 20 to 25 pieces each to display for the senior art show (to fill the hall). She had frames for her 8x10s, but we ended up getting fifteen 16x20s. Yikes! Glad Hobby Lobby was having a ½ off all frames sale! Then we watched the band her boyfriend is in practice for a show that evening. I didnt get to go to the show because Isaac was with me. I stayed at her house and did what mothers do clean house and do laundry but she was appreciative.
Now, everyone have a good Monday! Smiles Everyone! Smiles!
You should fear anything that can bleed for seven days without dying... (as told to Mr. DS on 3-12-10)
I'm at work. No day off for me. In fact I will be working over tonight to make up some of the time I will be taking off Wednesday.
Weekend was good. Last night was our first bowling league night. It was a free night and just trying to set up some averages. They aren't complete though. I bowled a 108, 100 and a 104. I was surprised. I was shooting for 75- lol I may break down and buy my own shoes and ball though. I just hate buying that stuff though. I was also happy that this alley plays music. It varied in genres too.
I am starting to feel a bit stiff though. Glad that it is bi-weekly. I was worried that my wrist would give me some problems at work but so far it it ok.
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
I posted my list of state quarters that I need in the State Quarters thread but it doesn't look like the thread got bumped to this page with the forum problems
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
Morning, I woke up early today thinking I would pay bills before Little A got up and the banks online banking is down for maintenance. I guess its not going to matter if the federal reserve is closed today but its so hard to actually get to sit down and do it without hearing mommy...I want chocolate milk...mommy I have a big problem.....you get what I mean? and Sparky is just as bad....wow...did you see that? Whats for dinner....
I also hate when the forum is acting dopey. I had to click three times to finally be able to post here. I won't be around much today, I don't have the patience for that crap.
Woo, not bad scores. Web, when I was doing the courier route about half the banks would stay open for Columbus day. It ticked me off because if they had closed it would mean the day off for me. Instead it was just a half day of work, but because of the way the routes were set up I had to split my day into three parts that covered nine hours (even though there was only 3 or 4 hours of work in there).
My stupid little 5 lb dog decided to take on the neighbors two 80 lb dogs today. Eeeediot. She's all tough, barking at them, then they come over to sniff her and she goes berserk. Rolls onto her back, starts yelping like she's being beaten or something, and snapping wildly at the dogs. She was so scared I was afraid she'd have a heart attack.
When I went to pull her out from between the two dogs she bit my hand and when I lifted her up she bit my face. Then she realized I was protecting her and she calmed down and started barking at the big dogs again
She didn't break any skin, but my hand has five nice red dots where her teeth dug in. Stoopid dog.