Since he is gone, I don't ususally get such things as gifts anymore. Always thought it was an odd choice anyway. If I was him, the last thing I would do is hand one of my kids a gun. Oh well... I guess he was trying to be nice in his own weird way. He never gave presents on gift giving occassions, but sprinkled in with the various handguns and the 12 gauge shot gun were things like 3 lbs of cashews, an autographed cook book, and a Whirley Pop.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Sometimes people's gifts are things they like hopeing the other person will like them too..If its important to me, it will be important to them kinda thinking.
In each case it was because he learned a new fact about me and was genuinely trying to do something nice for me. I like cashews... therefore he sent me a 3 lb. box of them. That kind of theory.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
He never gave presents on gift giving occassions, but sprinkled in with the various handguns and the 12 gauge shot gun were things like 3 lbs of cashews, an autographed cook book, and a Whirley Pop.
That is definitely a moment.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
Yeah, that seems to be the case with my husband. I get all kinds of weird stuff that makes me wonder what the heck IS he thinking??
One year I got a bunch of hunting clothes. I don't hunt. Guess who has those? Another year I got a bunch of jewelry. I don't wear jewelry.
But the weirdest of all was the year I got a laundry basket filled with cleaning supplies, laundry detergent, dish soap, that kind of stuff. I seriously thought about slipping some of those things in his food.
AH.... you have the hubby who gives you gifts he might want... well, all except for the cleaning stuff. I could see someone trying to sit with a laundry basket up their backside and bubbles coming out of their nose!
Kev always gave me presents that I'd like because they were generally some form of an apology. I have a nice collection of "please don't hate me" jewelry. For Valentine's Day this year I got the "Take me back, won't you?" iPod.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
I used to have a Ruger 9mm semi-auto. I sold it to a friend when our son got old enough to toddle around.
I still have my 20 gauge shotgun and a .22 rifle.
I also have my grandpa's .22 rifle. It is a full-auto six shot. It is an old semi-auto with a six shot clip but there is something wrong with it . . . it will unload the clip with one pull of the trigger. I should probably see if I can get it fixed.
AH.... you have the hubby who gives you gifts he might want... well, all except for the cleaning stuff. I could see someone trying to sit with a laundry basket up their backside and bubbles coming out of their nose!
Kev always gave me presents that I'd like because they were generally some form of an apology. I have a nice collection of "please don't hate me" jewelry. For Valentine's Day this year I got the "Take me back, won't you?" iPod.
Yes ma'am; I have a bunch of "I'm sorry I'm such a jerk" jewelry. It's nice stuff, but it doesn't mean anything to me. I plan to give it all to my girls; they already have some of it.
Amazing how some things are universal, isn't it? Someday your girls will treasure that. I figure I'm going to leave all of mine to my granddaughter. She'll never know the story behind any of it, so she might like it.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Ya know, they could save themselves a lot of money if they'd only sincerely utter two little words. A true and sincere "I'm sorry" is worth so much more.
Hahahaha! True... but I used to hear that one all the time... there was a whole spiel. Pambo didn't believe me until he left it on my voicemail at work one day, "I'm sorry. I was a d!ck. You were right. I was wrong." That is now a running joke with us.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Now, you know that most (I won't say all because there are a few good guys out there) guys don't know how or when to say those words. Many of them don't know what it means anyway. There are also that handful that are always saying it when there is no reason to say it.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
I don't hunt. Once in a while I will go to the range for a couple of hours. I have never fired a rifle or a shotgun.
I learned not to shoot anything bigger than a 20 gauge shotgun. I've tried my dad's 16 gauge once and that knocked me on my butt. I've shot my husband's hunting rifles.......those left me with gigantic bruises on my shoulder that hurt for days. I like the .22 rifle though. I target shoot with that one when I'm up to my dad's cabin.