Thanks Ghost! The interview went well, but I won't hear anything more for about a week for that job. I have a big interview tomorrow - the third - so we'll see what happens there. I also did a phone screen with the EAA and they are interested, but it might be too far away for me to consider...they approached me after finidng my resume, but I really don't know if I'd like a 90 minute commute!
Sandy, I'm glad all went well with the doc. Best wishes on the MRI - I would have a hard time delaing with the tube!
-- Heather: "I don't suffer from insanity, I enjoy every minute of it!"
Last time I had one done, they didn't give me anything. They asked first if small spaces bothered me. When my youngest had one though they did give her something that knocked her out. Probably so she wouldn't move once she was inside the machine.
Um, I don't know D. I had one done about 2 years ago and it was a closed tube thingy. I'm assuming since they mentioned claustrophobia it's still the same type of machine.
I think I am feeling better. Finally got around to getting some caffeine in me and that seems to have helped. My throat feels much better. I'll probably be able to go to work tomorrow.
Ghost... from what I have seen, most places go with the standard "tube" for MRIs, but it you say you are claustrophobic they will try to get you into an open sided one and will likely just write you a prescription for valium up front. That is what they have been doing with Pambo.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.