True, true... they are talking a bit more substance. Still danced around the "What will you do in your first term to reduce our dependence on foreign oil" question.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
McCain said the best thing I've heard yet about energy independence. He said that our first step in energy independence should not about becoming energy independent . . . its about becoming less dependent that we can stop buying energy from terroristic countries and only buy from countries that actually like us.
That is an excellent point. In my opinion, McCain won this debate. I wish he had been like this in the other two. He was strong and assertive on most of his points.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
On the up side, it appears that McCain won the Joe the Plumber vote. At least so said Keith Olberman as he was reporting that Joe the Plumber went to bed.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
I am SOOOOO sick of McCain making the main selling point of his plans as better than Obama's. Why don't your plans stand on their own? I feel like he's saying "Well, my plans aren't the best, but hey, its better than what he's got."
I am SOOOOO sick of Obama referring to the last 8 years and pointing at McCain as if every problem we have is Bush's fault and as if McCain is Bush's twin.
What I found interesting was that the commentator pointed out that regardless of which person gets elected, their fiscal plans as stated will increase the national deficit by 200 Million. As suspected, either way we get screwed.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.