I am extremely tired. We had an almost good night where my ex-brother-in-law came over and they dusted a 12 pack. I had one small margarita. My husband had got a text message but we both assumed it was from Verizon and ignored it. But it was from the girl. It really upset him that it took her a month to realize that he was gone. She also acted like she had been trying to call him and all she got was voicemail which is a lie. His phone is on 24-7 as it is our main one. And there have been no missed messages. So it was a long night. I don't know what he is gonna do. He had basically decided prior to this that he was done and that she had picked her family. I told him that I'd support him with whatever he wanted to do.
I had wanted to go workout last night but with the unexpected company I was not able to do that. I want to try tonight. I may have to go by myself as my hubby woke up with a knot in his back. I think all his stress went there. I can actually feel the knot.
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
Good morning, y'all. So sleepy. Didn't sleep well last night. I kept dreaming that I lived in another house. I was upset because I wanted to go home to the house I'm in now. We moved to town and people I didn't know kept coming over to "party" because someone that my hubby knew had died. They took out some albums and started playing them really loud. Darn! I wish I could remember the song in particular, because it is what made the dream!
You should fear anything that can bleed for seven days without dying... (as told to Mr. DS on 3-12-10)
A nice sunny day here today, I should have expected that. Yesterday was supposed to be sunny but it rained all day. Today was supposed to be rainy so of course it's gonna be sunny out all day Weatherman. Do you even NEED a degree to do that job?!?
I owe Webguy an apology. I was teasing him a while back because his family blog doesn't accept comments. He said it was to avoid spam. I laughed and said no one was gonna spam a little family blog on his own server.
Well, in late August I set up my own blog, on my own server, and haven't really done anything with it since. I did it right after I closed MySpace and wanted to see if I'd maintain it before I told anyone it was there.
Today I checked it out and there's two spam comments left on the one and only post I ever made.
You know, I'm quite impressed with Blogger. I've never had a spam comment on there. (Now I've probably jinxed myself.) So many techies love Wordpress, but for what I need, Blogger seems to work better for me.
Wordpress is the one I used. I used the downloadable version. I really figured since it wouldn't be on the Wordpress site or listed in their register of blogs that no one would ever find it unless I told them were it was.
Morning all. I think I am already tired of the 35 degrees when I leave the house in the morning and frost on my windshield thing. I want to see how crazy the boss drives me today. Could be a short trip.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
I've turned comments back on, but also installed an anti-spam plugin. I'll have to wait and see how it does.
Its cold and rainy here. Our weatherman is saying we have a chance of significant snow over the next couple days. It will depend on how it tracks if we get any or not. I hope we don't get a wet, heavy snow like that. Our trees still have most of their leaves. A heavy snow could do a lot of damage right now.
oh hello. I stayed home from work today. I gots a cold- stuffy and sore throat. felt it coming on for a couple of days, and well here it is. At this point it is just more annoying than anything else, but I figure why go infect the office...the bed is comfy and I will stay there for awhile today.
"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus. Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09
Hi everyone, I think I am coming down w/ a cold. And next week I am having surgery, and this Thurs I'm supposed to meet w/ the anesthesiologist about the surgery. Wondering if they'll do it now? It feels like Bronchitis.
I guess we all are feeling a bit blah this mornin'
Thankfully, I managed to avoid the office cold going around the last two to three weeks. I had a day or two where I wasn't sure, but thankfully it missed me.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
I'm starting to wonder if I got the cold that's been passed around here. I thought I was in the clear, but I'm thinking my symptoms are more cold-like than allergy-like.
Good afternoon, all! Bummer news about everybody getting the cold. It's not fun. I'm mostly past mine. Lots and lots of sleep will help. That is about all I did... like I had a choice.
Work went well last night, which was a bonus. I got done around 1AM and figured on getting a good night's sleep. I'd decided to wash my bed sheets earlier, so I went to put them back on the bed when I discovered that my cat Eddie... my stripey little "helper"... had elected to "help" me by poking a couple holes in my waterbed mattress. Quite a bit of water had already leaked out and it took me a while to find and patch his handy work. Finally got to go to bed around 3AM.
Current weather is apparently cloudy and 54 degrees. I dunno... not leaving the house.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Sleep sounds wonderful. Unfortunately, this work thing is getting in the way.
Yesterday I went home and fell asleep on the couch and then had trouble going to sleep when bedtime came around. But, that couch sounds awful inviting right now...
Hope the "sickies" start feeling better soon! Since September when I went back to work, I've had 3 major colds already......haven't even had time to get rid of the first one before another comes along. I attribute it to the fact that I work in a germy school; I think all the germs are constantly being recycled through the ventilation system.
It's sunny and 43 here today, but with a north wind blowing it feels a lot colder. Someone at work told me she heard we could get snow next week. I hope they're wrong.