I know I don't normally do this, but more than half of our owners all signed up for an annual membership on the same day (October 27) so I wanted to offer one last reminder.
If you had a one year subscription for ownership of FFR it will be automatically charged again October 27'th through PayPal. If you want to cancel your ownership you need to do it in the next few days.
If you had a one-time one year subscription it will come to an end on the 27'th unless you do another one-time subrsciption payment.
I know some folks have had some changes in their personal situations that may impact their ability to listen to FFR and/or request. Don't feel bad if you feel the need to cancel your ownership!
CP, I can't do individual renewals, it's too much to keep up with and if I forget someone I'll feel bad. But your date is April 3'rd and it's a subscription, if you want to make a note of it.