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Post Info TOPIC: I will gladly pay full price for...

Grand Poobah


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Posts: 36897
I will gladly pay full price for...


Sure we all search out good bargains and deals with our purchases, but what items/products have you found that you will gladly pay full price for, and why?

In JD's household, there is the almighty rule of the trinity- THOU SHALT NEVER GO CHEAP ON

1. Steaks

2. Beer

3. Toilet paper

Not wanting to get into detailed specifics, ALWAYS gladly pay for Charmin. It is a quality of life issue! Charmin is the Mercedes Benz of TP. Anything else is the difference between a Yugo and the public bus.


"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus.  Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09

2011 Super Bowl Champions!

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I will gladly pay full price for anything sold by a worthwhile charity.

I will gladly pay full price for a DVD TV Season set that includes the ORIGINAL music, not replaced music because the rights to the original music were too expensive.

Hmm, that's all I got for now.  I'll have to give it some thought.


Lord of the Lair

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For me it is Vacations.  Fly first class, stay in the 5 star properites and completely and totally pamper myself and my family with dining, spa treatments, beach cabanas etc.  There have been times where I have winced at the bill when it came, so now I prepay for everything, make our plans and send out the wires, checks or charge and pay it off before we even leave.  That way I have no worries about what we are spening while there or what is waiting for me 30 days later.   And--if you start making the right connections, I was very surprised at how you really don't have to pay as much as you think.


2011 Super Bowl Champions!

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Oh good one CP, it reminded me of two more.

I will GLADLY pay full price for tickets to a baseball game.  I see no point to sitting in the nose--bleed seats.

and I will GLADLY pay well above full price for a concert.  You can't FORCE me into a concert unless I've paid to sit in the first 5 rows.  You only go to see your favorite artists a few times in your life.  Why sit half a block away and watch a monitor to see them?  I'll happily pay the $300, $400 or $500 to sit in the front rows.  The trick is finding someone ELSE willing to pay that much and go with you


Chairwoman Of The Board

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Day care. We paid through the nose for day care to make sure the tyke wasn't in a high-turnaround McDonald's type nursery school. Now we pay for the at-school before and after Y program for the same reason.


Lord of the Lair

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Riggs:  I am with you on the concert too, but to a point.  For example, I am a true Cher fan and so is my wife and kids.  Her 'last' concert is at the Hollywood Bowl on April 30th.  I tried desperately to get the best seats, but only reasonable ones that I have no problem paying full price.  However, on ebay right now there are tickets being sold 4 rows back center front and they want $4500.  As much as I love Cher, I can't pay it.

You are correct, if you have attended a concert or sporting event, once you sit in the prime viewing area, there is no going back.  We saw Cher last month in Vegas.  I got four rows back at MGM Grand--It was a completley different experiene for me and my kids to see her that close.  My seven year old was dancing on the chair and was beyond excitied when Cher pointed at her and waved.


2011 Super Bowl Champions!

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Yeah, $4500 would put me out of price range too.  And if it was a final tour, I may just go to it regardless of seating.

But man, there is no experience like being close.  You know, the thing is, you don't SEE the people behind you, so if you're up close you feel as if you've attended a private concert.

I sat in the orchestra pit, row 2 for my last meatloaf concert, only about 30 people total were in the pit with me.  To this day it feels as if Meat was giving a concert for us thirty people, it was so cool.

Plus, it was his Storytellers tour, so he just pulled up a stool about 5 feet from me and talked between each song.  How could I go back to the nosebleeds after that?!?!  Caaaaaaaaaaaaan't do it.  No way



Grand Poobah


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I paid the (ungodly-gasp!!) price of $125 to see the Rolling Stones 10 rows back and 10 rows up to the right the last time they were in Milwaukee. My buddies had $50 seats way in the back. This was THE BEST $125 I have ever spent. Other cities were getting $300 for these seats. If I would have had to pay that, I would have done so, & gladly! 

"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus.  Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09

2011 Super Bowl Champions!

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You got a STEAL!  I've never paid under $300 a seat for the Loaf!

Even Tim McGraw & Faith Hill have always cost me $250 or more!

I can't beleive you can get row 10 for the Stones for $125, that's insane!


Standard Member

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My husband would tell you that I would gladly NOT pay full price for anything - if it's not on sale . . .

But he's not totally right

You've gotta have Bud Light - I am not going to drink Hamm's


Denise L. Belt


I had to walk away and work for a few hours to figure out what I would pay full price for.

Concerts and Baseball tickets are pretty much it. 

Oh, and brewery tours. 

Beer tastings also, for the most part, but at the $40 range, it's got to really be worth it. I can get a quarter barrel for that.

Wow. you pay over $100 to see Tim and Faith.  Love them as I do, but that's a little steep.


Chairwoman Of The Board

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That anonymous was me.  I'm losing it. That's the second time in 2 days I've apparently logged myself out.


Thank you for being a friend!

2011 Super Bowl Champions!

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Posts: 29950

That's alright.

As soon as you added the Brewery tour I KNEW IT WAS YOU!


Grand Poobah


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Posts: 36897

I tell you Riggs, I was so close, legend has it that I said "Keith, you ROCK!" and he said "Thanks JD!"   

"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus.  Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09

The Procrastinating Red-Head

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Good customer service!  I will drive out of my way and go to a store that is more expensive because their people are friendly and helpful.  If I go to a store and the staff is rude, I take it up with the manager.  Strike one.  If it doesn't change, I'll talk to the store manager.  Strike two.  If it happens again, strike three, I'm outta there! 

Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you do criticize them you will be a mile away and have their shoes.

Grand Poobah


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Posts: 36897

I admit it- I found out recently that I will happily pay full price at convenience stores for items if it means that I don't have to wait to check out. A few days back I was heading home from work, the food was in the fridge ready to be cooked, but I was out of kitchen sponges to do the dishes. NO WAY did I want to go fight the rush hour folk at the grocery store to buy just dish sponges. That would take 40 minutes easy. I would end up with 3 sponges for 99 cents. If I felt like fighting traffic and go out of my way, I know the dollar store has packages of 24 sponges for a buck. BUT NO! On my way home, there is a little corner store on MY SIDE OF THE STREET, NO WAITING- GET IN GET OUT GET ON WITH YOUR LIFE. I happily paid the little man $1.39 for 1 stinkin sponge. Sure we are talking only a buck or two here, but this applies to much bigger areas of life too I am sure. Time and convenience mean more to me than savings. 

"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus.  Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09

2011 Super Bowl Champions!

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Posts: 29950

Thats a big one for me too JD.

Expecially on weekends.

I'll OVERPAY for stuff at a walgreens or a quick pantry rather than deal with the insane asylum that the grocery stores are on a saturday, sunday, or peak hours during the week.

Why not?  When I'm in the craziness at the store I'm thinking "I'd gladly pay to get out of here NOW" anyway, so I might as well just pay the extra in the first place and avoid the hassle.


Grand Poobah


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Posts: 36897

Thats exactly it Jeremy. I will pay the money for the first class exit fee, to be free of the shrieking kids, the crowded isles of the mentally and emotionally compromised, elderly, and huslters and all the associated effects of that. I am trying to consolodate all my weekly shopping once more into 1 grocery trip a week- preferably at say 5-6 am on a thursday when I can have the store to myself. But my whole bad thing about expiration dates might make shopping a week in advance a challenge. Even tonight, I had to mentally kung foo fight 4 people just to get to the remaining stir fry meat at 6 pm. And I felt the piercing eyes in the back of my skull from those waiting to get in behind me. Who needs it? The 18 minute wait in the express lane was more than enough time for me to recover from the meat isle....

Another thing I am trying to do is to get all the necessary obligations done before the weekend arrives. I do NOT want to spend another saturday afternoon grocery shopping and doing laundry and housecleaning. So many people I know live that way. Laundry is a tuesday night kinda thang, cleaning a thursday night kinda thang.

"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus.  Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09

Lord of the Lair

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Posts: 4763

JD--have you ever done what I do?  I hate going to the express lane that is clearly marked and says 10 items or less and you have the guy with 15.  I say something now.  This woman in front of me the other day had a lot of items.  So as she put them on the conveyor, I began counting out loud. When I got to 23--I asked her if she knew how to count.  I had a diet coke in my hand and a pria bar.  She whirled on me, and I asked her if she could read and why she felt so special that she didn't have to abide by the posted rules.  She motions for someone and here comes her son--he of course had to pass his threats.  I do not threaten easily, nor am I intimidated.  We exchanged.  He was waiting for me outside and of course wanted to fight.

What a coward, I threw my sack aside and asked if he wanted street, fist or just bring it on.  He takes a couple of steps toward me and when I don't flinch, all he can do is yell and say you are lucky that my mom is making me come to the car.  I hate a bully.  I learned very young in the school yard that bullies are usually the biggest cowards.  (Frankly, I was probably more scared than he, but I won't back down.  You know the saying--never let them see you sweat.)

I digress--I hate when people abuse the fast check out.


Phat Cat EL Presidente


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I think I'll take CP on the next knee bashing trip Riggs sends me on!!!!!

Sometimes, when i'm lonely... i crawl into a laundry basket and tickle my ears. But, Some times I don't...

Lord of the Lair

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Posts: 4763

It helps to have a Sicillian Mother.  You should see my Uncle Guido.


2011 Super Bowl Champions!

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Posts: 29950

That's what drives me nuts with those people CP, do they really think they're just so damn special?

I can't tell you how many times I've planned to use the express lane because it's so busy in the store, and found that I had 11 items or 12.  I'll put TWO ITEMS BACK rather than stand in the regular line or try to slide through the express.

Another favorite is the drive through at the bank, these folks who get their money back, and then sit there filling in the details in their checkbook, or checking their makeup, or whatever, while a line of 10 cars sits behind them waiting.

People today just seem to feel that the world revolves around them.


Chairman Of The Board

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Wow CP, I admire your courage, but in today's day and age, I tend to choose my battles very carefully.  My wife used to readily speak up like that, but I was afraid of her confronting some wacko who ends up waiting for her in the parking lot with a gun or knife or something.  You can never underestimate how crazy and irrational people can be sometimes. 

Some people really do live in their own world and think they're special sometimes.  When my wife was pregnant, she was amazed how few people would hold a door for her, or show any kind of consideration at all, and my wife is 5'3" and was pregnant with 14 pounds worth of twins, so it was obvious she was pregnant.  Even now as we tool around town with our double stroller for the twins, it's amazing how few people hold doors, etc.

Ok, as they say in the Community Forum, I'll step down off my soapbox....


Chairman Of The Board

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By the way Jeremy, I'll do the same with the express lane, re: putting something back to meet the number of items requirement.  One time I was getting gas and they had a deal where for a fill-up (defined as 8 gallons of gas) you got something free.  I only got to 7.5 gallons, so I didn;t ask for the free thing (I can;t remember what it was).  My wife thought I was crazy for splitting hairs like that, but that's just me I guess.


Grand Poobah


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Nah CP I never got to that point. I do, however try to assess the riff-raff ahead of me before even getting in line. Sometimes I have gotten out quicker in the non-express line, because some lady for example is paying for her 12 items with pocket change- "and another nickel makes 40 cents, and 10 pennies 12345678910 brings us up to 50 cents....."

"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus.  Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09

Chairman Of The Board

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Posts: 643

My pet peeve for the express lane is when someone pays with a check.  Paying with a check turns the express lane into the slow lane.  Cash is the preferred payment method for the express lane in my book!


2011 Super Bowl Champions!

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Posts: 29950

Or if they're going to pay by check couldn't they ATLEAST fill out everything but the amount BEFORE they actually get to the point where they have to pay?

Do they really have to wait for their total to know what day it is (well, considering how slow the lane usually runs this one may be legitimate), what store they're paying and to sign their name? 

Then the REALLY slow ones will dutifully put in the "note" section exactly what they're paying for "Groceries: Meat, Milk, Eggs, Dog Food, BLAH BLAH BLAH"



Lord of the Lair

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Posts: 4763

Please do not be misled, I do choose my battles and review the environment, but it also depends on my mood.  Sometimes you just got to go for it.  I promise, everytime, except for once, I stood my ground was there any actually anything phisical.  The time it got physical was when the old volley ball player Sinjin Smythe was playing volley ball at the waterpark I was managing. (Family business my wife was with me)  She was nine months pregnant and we had to clear an area of observers.  She took the golf cart down and then radio'd me for help. Some people refused to move.  When he, a spectator, shoved my wife, I didn't wait.  I cleaned his clock.

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