I have one thing on my desk and a couple emails. I think I'm going to be able to work on our company website today, yay! (Nope, that's not sarcasm, I actually want to clean a few things up on the website and start company blogging again.) That is, unless I get roped back into the Ivy Tech licensing agreement, boo. Licensing is a 4 letter word.
I am still alive. It has been an incredibly LONG two weeks. Work is EXTREMELY busy and that is not helping. Emily has cheer leading Monday, Wednesday and Saturday mornings, dance on Tuesday and has had a party the last three weekends and one next. Her schedule and taking care of the house is eating into all my "me" time. I have been thrust into dealing with my son's father after seeing him in a commercial for a fighting instructor for Jujitsu at a new facility. I had to tell my hubby and son because the boy has a friend that is really into that and trains and fights locally. There has been no contact, but I think the bug might be there...but the boy tells me no. I just made him promise he would not contact him behind my back. Two weeks ago the boy had in school suspension for tardies and I grounded him too. He had a party to go to that night for his best friends' 18th party (which I was unaware of) and he choose to go to it and ignore my grounding. He just did not come home on Friday. That was a great weekend! :( He did bring home a good report card yesterday- all passing- some really high grades too- finally! So we will see I am worried about him, but he really has come a long way this year, I hate for his dad to come into the picture and screw him up again! And me for that matter and for some unknown reason my hubby was worried that I might want a reunion! My husband turned 45 this weekend! How the hell did that happen? He partied a bit too hard, but we are doing well overall. Just really in debt and no end in sight. We have lost another employee and things at work are rough- no raises and just a general yucky feeling on campus. Halloween is this week and the Fair is here. Too much to do and no time or energy. I have been fighting sinuses all month and now PMS... Wow can I ramble... miss you all and I do believe I had an anniversary this week! Gotta go:(
Just sitting in the waiting room at the hospital. My husband's aunt brought her laptop so I am able to check in and I also checked my Ebay. As usual they are trying to take me out Still got about 8 hrs on the bid
As far as the surgery, it may take 4-5 hours. He went in about 7:30. They are hoping to be done by noon. We shall see. They give us updates every hour to hour an half.
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
Good luck Woo. Just be patient. Keep yourself occupied. I know it will be a long morning and it may be some time before you can see him in the recovery room.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
Morning all. We should get three and a half innings of baseball in this evening. Go Phils!
3 1/2 innings is perfect...that should mena the Rays will win...since if the Phillies were winning, it would only go 3.....LOL
Ah, a funny man this morning. Nice. Technically, the game could just go three innings. Let's go Phillies! Since the Phillies tend to score early and the Rays wait to score until later in the game, the Phillies should win. I hope the Phils get that "early" lead.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
My wife helped the boy carve punkins last night so they are ready to go.
Our church is having a "family fun night" on halloween night. We gave the boy the choice of normal trick or treating or the fun night and he chose trick or treating. I just had to stop at the church and pick up some sheet music and they have built a huge box maze that looks like it will be really fun for the kids. They have about 80 appliance boxes on their sides tight together in rows. Then they cut openings from one box to another so the kids can crawl their way through. I see they even put a couple fans in the middle to push fresh air into, and through the maze.
Woo, I'm praying that all goes well with the surgery.
I did the sweep of the day, but just updated the full list. Not many people look at the SOTD so I think I'm gonna just update the full listing everyday.
they were only able to work on one artery of the 2. The other one is too blocked to fix. After he recovers in 4-5 weeks he will need to have a stent put in. Mom says jokingly that this is my fault because I whine that they are always gone for my birthday and now they will be stuck here for at least the majority of the winter.
Family will be able to see him soon.
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"