But ask yourself, during this time of war and bail outs, how exactly to they intent to pay for these new spending plans?
A source from inside the Mema / Dylan campaign who chooses to remain anonymous out of fear of retribution has informed us that there is a plan in place to assess a 25% tax on all pet food sales once they take office.
ONCE AGAIN THE MEMA / DYLAN ticket sides AGAINST America's pets.
Mema and Dylan both have jobs. We intend to foot the bill for our own BBQs as we have always done. As Mema is a multiple pet parent, there will be no such tax assessment on pet care. It would be counter productive.
Mz... we would like to extend to you our sincere well wishes in dealing with the grief that your running mate is causing you with his outrageous assertions. You might ask him if he has been randomly catching the scent of onions or oranges at inappropriate times. It could be a brain tumor.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
The money for the parties will be coming out of the money for the bailouts. Duh. No bailouts. If you are stupid enough to run your business into the ground and still pay your executives millions in bonuses, you get nothing from the government.
No animals were harmed during the writing of these dirty posts.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
Mema has seen the consequences of ridiculously overpaid executives with golden parachutes running our fine compaines into the ground. Having lived this from the employee side, it is our position that there will be no bailouts associated to golden parachute jumping jerks. We also oppose offshoring of jobs and unfair trade agreements.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Mema / Dylan has every confidence that our history of posts adequately addresses the insane slew of false accusations made during our campaign. The record clearly shows who is threatening with Gitmo and fear mongering among the pet owners. We have even reached out a concilliatory had toward Mz as there is obvious dissention in your party. We would not even rule out the possibility of awarding a cabinet position to Mz. Ours is an inclusive administration.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
The sheer number of questionable aspects of your background and campaign is overwhelming. While the voting public may be able to look past one or two, they most certainly will find that with such a large number of scandals there must be some truth behind a few of them.
Meanwhile, thanks to your so-called "clean" campaign they go to the polls with no negative thoughts of us what so ever, other than your side calling us "mean".
I think the only reason you haven't run a smear campaign is that you couldn't find a single questionable item in our background that was worthy of raising as an issue.
Mema / Dylan would gladly outlaw further black & white CEO image commercials. It is our position that commercials should be amusing and infomative... and they should be in color. Honestly, we do not know the point of the black & white video... perhaps it was a cost cutting measure. We will have Congress open a special investigation. For the record, even in person Mr Hesse is very black & white.
As stated, Candidate Riggs... we are running a clean campaign. We do not feel the need to point out any of your negatives as we feel you have done an exemplary job of doing this for us.
Mema has never claimed to have a bone free closet. Mema is not a politician by any stretch of the imagination. Mema doesn't engage in smear tactics because she has grandkids watching. Grandkids with puppies, kitties, fish, turtles, etc....
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.