They want to add 1% to the sales tax (raise it from 5% sales tax to 6%) and claim it's to lower property taxes.
Now I hope to God NO ONE in this city is dumb enough to think that's a good idea!
Move a PROPERTY tax that affects those who own homes to a general tax that affects EVERYONE.
PLUS, the only REAL motivation is that they then can hold the property tax increase down for one year, but next year they'll raise it again and then we'll just be paying a higher property tax AND a higher sales tax.
We are at a threshold! You are taking as much as we can afford for you to take!
Any shortfalls from this point forward require budget cuts, NOT FRICKING TAX INCREASES!!!!
We had two separate tax increase initiatives in our county. One to raise taxes to fund expansions of the state universities and another to fund expansions of the local school district... which they just got a tax increase for the school district last year.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
We had another question on the ballot which concerned judicial elections... specifically making judgeships elections instead of the current method of appointments. All this because our former (and tremendously unpopular) D.A. got voted out of office so now he wants to be a judge.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
The idiots in MI shot themselves in the foot a few (maybe more than a few) years back when they voted to raise our state's sales tax from 4% to 6% under the misguided impression that it would keep property taxes from increasing. These idiots then turn around and vote "yes" for every single property tax increase that comes along on the ballots. Thanks a lot!! Now I not only pay 2% more in sales tax, but also have ungodly high property taxes too! What a bunch of morons!!
That's exactly what I'm talking about, and it's their plan from the start.
They KNOW that raising property taxes is becoming harder and harder, so they go after sales tax claiming they'll hold the line on property taxes, knowing full well within a year or two they'll raise property tax too.
It makes NO sense to institute a NEW tax to keep from raising an existing tax. Nobody with a brain in their head should be fooled by such a silly tactic.
And most of the supporters of an increase in sales tax haven't really sat down and figured out exactly how much more it's gonna cost them when they make a big purchase such as a new car.
It's beyond stupidity to vote to increase sales tax.