Woo, I'm SO sorry to hear about your father in law. I'll say a prayer for him the minute I finish typing this, I hope he'll come through it ok.
Darlene, must be a full moon because you and I are in total agreement for a change. The Democrats should really stop hating George Bush because he did them a great service last night. In the end I think frustration with everything just made people vote for change.
I actually found it difficult to get up this morning. I was prepared for Obama as President. I was excited about finally breaking that barrier of only having white males as President. But I was not prepared for the Dems hanging onto the Senate and House too. I've never been as concerned for this country as I am today. I pray Obama will govern from the center if for no other reason than he realizes he'll need to in order to be re-elected in 2012.
Top off the total defeat in Washington with the moronic passing of a 1% sales tax hike in Milwaukee and the passing of the Mandatory sick day law and it feels like it's starting already. Government getting deeper into my pocket and deeper into dictating how companies are run.
Ugly day. I think I'll go back to bed. After I pray for Woo's father-in-law.
Sorry to hear WI passed the sales tax increase JR. They're realize next year when they come knocking for more property tax money for something that increasing the sales tax wasn't such a good idea after all.