I sure was, riggs. you didn't know that? I guess it wouldn't have ever been bought up between us. I had served the most masses by 8th grade. If you go to the Sacristry if Mother of Good Counsel, you'll find my name on the plack of lead altar boys for 1984.
See, even tho I'm a Buddhist, I've got my gold castle in heaven waiting for me. I got my bases covered!! :woot:
aw who am I kidding. I will sit at the right hand of Satan....
Nice thing though is in hell your cup of coffee never cools off. So you got that going for ya! Then again, I think instead of coffee beans they brew pig poop in hell, so it's a push really.
I was an alter boy too. I only did it for a year and a half. I wasn't real fond of it.
I was a shy kid too; especially while in school....I didn't talk much, was always worried that I'd make a complete idiot or fool out of myself. Now I could give a rip less if I do.
Yeah, it took me until my early 30's to outgrow my shyness!
Up until then I would NOT be the one to start a conversation. I can't tell you how many times a friend would say "When I first met you I though you were really conceited because you wouldn't talk to anyone", but it was just me being shy.
Now I'm usually the one to start a conversation, but you can tell pretty quickly if someone is friendly or not, and if after I try to initiate conversation I feel like they're not a friendly person I usually won't bother trying to continue.
Aging tends to bring shy people out of their shell. I think I was in my early 30s when I realized I no longer cared what other people thought of me. You still won't catch me speaking in front of a large crowd though......I hate that with a passion!
I am the same way. I am better in a group than I am one v one. It takes me a while. Once I get to know you then I am okay. I think there can be less pressure when there is a group. There are more ways out, distractions and so forth.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.
Oh, I didn't mean that I don't like talking with a group of people; I do fine like that. I meant like giving a speech in front of a large group of people......I really dislike having to do that. I've tried all the different tricks people tell you to use, but nothing takes away that "fear" that I have.
Me too! That one about "imagine your audience is nekkid"... UH, NO! That one makes me have the shivers.
The first time I tried that one, I cracked up laughing and couldn't pull myself back together.
The only one that kind of, sort of works is if I avoid all eye contact and look over the top of everyone's head moreless focusing on the walls behind them.
I thought I'd try the "look over top of them" theory one time, but little did I know that I was going to have to do that whole departmental speach in an auditorium style class room at the local community college. I tried looking up over top of the back row, but it made me dizzy. "Picture em nekkid" was the next thing that I thought of, and that made me visibly cringe. No choice from there but to start popping jokes. It worked out, but I was sooooo nervous the whole time.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
I actually find it really uncomfortable in interviews, or dealing with someone one on one in a business setting, like when I was a supervisor and had to give reviews, or discipline employees. I find the eye contact very difficult.
So I learned a trick, I started taking out my contact lenses anytime I had to hire, fire, review, or interview someone. That way I could look right at them but it didn't make me feel uncomfortable because I couldn't see their eyes that clearly.
Oh, I also found that works EXCELLENT in a group setting too! When I had to talk in front of 50 people in my department I would be a nervous wreck, but the contact out thing made it easy. Like I was looking at an oil painting instead of a huge group of people.
Hmm... maybe I'll try that if I have to do the whole department thing ever again. I'll probably end up tripping over something and get laughs for a "prat fall". Small groups don't bother me, especially if I know the people. One on one is no problem at all.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.