Any obvious negatives other than a smaller coverage area?
They're offering unlimited EVERYTHING, phone, messaging and web all for $45 a month! Or just unlimited phone for $30 a month!
When I was in NC I checked them out but they weren't available in WI. Now I see TV ads running, it appears they'll be here in WI on November 18'th.
That's a huge savings every year, I may have to look into them when my contract with you guys is up.
But I was curious if you had any inside scoop on them. You know, maybe buzz around you company about how they're managing to offer such a low price and if they can maintain it?
Cricket Wireless is all over this area, but they have a very small share of the market. Mostly they are marketing to the 18-25 set that does not have much in the way of a credit history. At least that is the case in this area.
To the best of my knowledge, the reason that they are able to offer the price plans that they have is because they are what we call a "reseller". In otherwords, they do not actually own their own network. They purchase access in bulk from other carriers and sell it to customers under their own brand name. If you have their service, you would more than likely be riding the AT&T, Verizon, or Sprint network though your bill, customer care, and operator services would all be Cricket branded. It is a fairly common arrangement among the smaller service providers. Amusingly enough, there is a particular service provider out there who has several times received higher marks on their network quality than Sprint does, but they in fact use our network exclusively.
I've not heard a lot about their business operations. I have heard some complaints about how they manage their prepaid services in certain areas, but we actually don't hear a lot about them since they are not one of our major competitors.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Hehehe... Actually you really could start Riggs Wireless if you had the capital to invest.
The major carriers all have a lot of overhead to pay for that resellers do not. We all have our own networks which are multi-million dollar ventures by themselves if you consider the cost of the switching equipment, the means of transmission (fiber optic cable, satellite, standard coaxial cable, copper cable, etc), real estate costs, electricity to run all that gear, personnel to build, monitor, and maintain the equipment and software, access fees to other carriers to be able to communicate with their networks, all of the back office systems to manage the equipment and the access, customer database, billing... the list goes on and on.
In reseller world, basically they only incur costs for what we consider "back office"... the customer database, their billing system and so forth plus whatever bulk rate they get for the time they buy on whatever network they use. Just like with a lot of other things, it is less expensive to buy in bulk.
Why do the big carriers do this? Simple... we still make money off of that access. Their customers are effectively our customers but we don't have to incur the cost for marketing to them, maintaining their accounts, collecting from them and so forth.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
You get the sale without the hassle of finding the customer or dealing with the relations.
Although I would still think there must be some concern about cannibalizing your own user base. But I'm sure Dan crunched the numbers and knows what he's doing.
Thanks for the info. Since there's no contract with them I think I'll give em' a shot when my two year deal is over. If I don't like em' nothing's really lost.
You would be surprised how many rural phone companies are run out of peoples barns or garages! Not kidding... and they are usually a nightmare to deal with.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Reselling has been an industry practice for many years. Usually the tier 1 carriers don't worry too much about losing the customer base as the majority of the customers we lose are not the customer base we really want to retain. You of course would be an exception to that and we will likely work hard to try to keep your business. In the long run, we also get a lot of those customers back anyway because the resellers don't always stay in business and while they have cheaper rates, don't offer good customer care or the services that the tier 1 providers do.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Reselling has been an industry practice for many years. Usually the tier 1 carriers don't worry too much about losing the customer base as the majority of the customers we lose are not the customer base we really want to retain. You of course would be an exception to that and we will likely work hard to try to keep your business. In the long run, we also get a lot of those customers back anyway because the resellers don't always stay in business and while they have cheaper rates, don't offer good customer care or the services that the tier 1 providers do.
Reselling has been an industry practice for many years. Usually the tier 1 carriers don't worry too much about losing the customer base as the majority of the customers we lose are not the customer base we really want to retain. You of course would be an exception to that and we will likely work hard to try to keep your business. In the long run, we also get a lot of those customers back anyway because the resellers don't always stay in business and while they have cheaper rates, don't offer good customer care or the services that the tier 1 providers do.
Just call me Edwina Haskell. By the way, that is a lovely frock you are wearing today.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
Riggs, I was going to get one a few months back and ditch my landline, but when I went online and read through some forums I didn't. Lots of complaints about the phones, the customer service and the coverage. I just googled Cricket Charleston opinions.... just a thought!
Which exactly makes my point of why the tier 1 carriers don't have an issue with resellers. Handsets and customer service are up to them. Coverage is dependent upon who they buy their access from. If they did not select wisely in the given service area because of price advantage, then you don't really get anything.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
And by the time your contract is over, it won't be $45/month anymore.
You're probably right, then there'd be no reason to switch.
I wonder if they'd tell me which network they use in my area. If it's the Sprint network then there'd really be no difference to me.
In fact, I wonder if I could switch my Razr phone over to their service.
That would eliminate worries of a crappy phone AND a crappy service.
As for customer service, I rarely ever call my cell phone companies customer service, no matter who it's been. Usually only to make changes to my service. But if I've got the EVERYTHING UNLIMITED plan I don't imagine there'd ever be a need to make any changes other than cancel at some point.
JR the reason people were calling the customer service line was because of the phones breaking and the insurance plans they offer and the lack of coverage. I actually went in with our Motorola phone and they told me I had to buy one of their phones with their software loaded to get their service. The phones were high.
Everybody has to make a buck somehow... that is the part they don't tell you up front is you have to pay more to get your phone equipment.
I really don't have anything against the resellers of the world, like I said... we make a buck or two off of them. All I really care about in regard to them is, "Where MY MONEY, b____?!?"
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
We had another cell company here for a while. The Radio Shack was selling their service.
I looked into it one day. I asked the store owner how they could do that with no new towers, etc. He said "They use Alltel's towers so the service is the same that you'd get with Alltel, no reason to not save a couple bucks and use these guys."
I asked "Ok, but what if they go out of business? I think I'll stay with Alltel." I think they were here less than a year.