How's ol' Danny boy? Is he gettin' any color back in him?
Amusingly enough... white shirt, black pants. No... I'm not making that up!
He did crack a joke about his commercials. Said somebody asked him if he really thinks it is a wise idea for him to be the face of our ad campaign. He said that he figures it is like the old joke about breakfast... the chicken is involved but the pig is committed. He's definitely committed.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
My father-in-law is being released from the hospital at 5pm today. He was supposed to go tomorrow. He is not all there but is better and really there isn't any more they can do. We are hoping things will get better when he is at home in his own environment. He is very depressed and feels that he is a burden. Mom has a full on attitude going on but we are guessing that it is because she is been basically in hell for 2wks and is worried about all she still has to do. uncle Dave is going with them but he is not Mr Positive either but you can count on him at least.
He has to have a walker for now and we strongly encouraged her to get a gait belt for him too. And as horrible as this sounds, we told her to make sure the guns were not accessible to him. You never know when someone is depressed and he clearly is and hasn't really been stable mentally.
Hopefully once they are home things will ease up and continue to get better.
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"