Now that I've been back listening to FFR for a couple weeks now, I have a few questions for you all.
1) I am not yet a member, and maybe I would see the answer to this if I were, but... While FFR does have a great variety, I do notice that some songs get played nearly every day. On any given day, I can name you 6-8 songs that I can pretty much guarantee will be played. Is this because of people requesting these songs, or is it due to how the jukebox software selects songs to play in lieu of requests? Don;t get me wrong, I love the station, but this question occurred to me after Duffy - Warwick Avenue played again recently.
2) I've noticed that on the Loud city window that pops up to play the station stream, I lose the stream several times every day and have to hit the play button in that window again to get it restarted. It's not a big problem, just annoying, but I wondered if that was a universal problem or not.
3) Does this station work with dial-up? That;s all I have at home, and I tried to bring it up there but was not successful. I assume like with most streaming media on the net you really need broadband to play it, but I wondered if anyone knew any tricks to get it to play with dial-up.
Thanks everyone in advance for you input on these questions!