I can't believe that the only way to get this woman is to file federal charges for harrassment. This is the story about the Missouri woman who helped antagonize a 13 yr old girl into committing suicide through conversations on a phony MySpace account she established.
Hm, I don't know how I feel about this. On one hand, what this woman did was wrong, and she should be charged with something.
On the other hand, what they're charging her with is weird. Frankly, I don't quite understand it. She's being charged with conspiracy and three counts of unauthorized access to protected computers. The conspiracy part I think is right on, but the computers part I don't get.
I think that what they are going for it the idea that she willfully and intentionally violated the terms and conditions that MySpace sets forth for it's users, specifically that harrassing or intentionally causing harm to others is forbidden. That was the entire plan for this MySpace page... to cause eventual emotional distress to this child.
To me, it is a shame that Missouri was unable to find any violation of state law in this case. The woman in this case was friends with the mother of the girl who committed suicide. The girl's mother had confided in her that she was concerned about her daughter's emotional stability. This woman flat out exploited that information, and when she learned of the suicide basically said 'Oh well... I didn't pull the trigger, so it has nothing to do with me'. Yes, ma'am... it does. It is just sickening.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.
It sounds like the lawyers thought this would be an easier route in court, but I don't like it at all. It sounds like it could open up a door we're better off not opening.
How pathetic that this 49 year old mother was even involved in the whole thing. I mean SERIOUSLY PATHETIC. If you thought the girl was spreading rumors about your daughter you either tell your daughter not to let it get to her, or you talk to the other girls parents, or you talk to the girl herself. You don't get involved in some childish hoax and try to destroy the kid when you already know she's vulnerable.
Some people are just in their very own class of stupid. I hope this woman get's a nice long prison sentence for whatever the lawyers can throw at her.
Well, that's a great point Mema. In THIS case they specifically set up this account for one purpose and one purpose ONLY. That was to hurt this girl, in direct violation of the MySpace terms of service.
So maybe it won't open the door as wide as feared.
Just so it doesn't create a situation where people who unknowingly violate terms of service are in danger of routine criminal prosecution.
If that happens we'll actually have to start reading those annoying 14 page TOS that are worded in lawyer speak we can barely understand to begin with.
Honestly, I too am worried about how this case could impact our first ammendment rights as well. I do think it is a valid case for the terms and conditions violation. From what I have heard, the federal prosecutors are going to really focus just on the terms and conditions.
To me it is sad that this woman can't even be charged with child abuse and endangerment. In my opinion, she should be hit with those charges not only on behalf of the girl who committed suicide, but also on behalf of her own 13 year old daughter who is being taught that this is how adults resolve conflict.
That which does not kill me postpones the inevitable.