Lest there be no misunderstanding...Riggs isnt speaking of the euphemism, guns, i.e big biceps...he means guns as in .356 Magnum.
Poor guy has the strength of a new born infant. His arms shakes like Don Knotts when he holds the weapon.
Ol' Riggs probably wouldn't shoot, but I am not willing to take that chance...Of course, me laughing at his trembling little hands, and who knows...he just might.
Not too many men want to look down the barrell of a gun and I count myself among them. Riggs, keep your tickets to the gun show...lets go to the Bucks game instead buddy. I'll buy the pop corn. Their cheer leaders are pretty cute this year.
And it's "he has the upper body strength of a newborn infant". If your gonna steal my lines at least repeat them correctly. After I've gone through the trouble to steal them intact from barely watched television shows the least you can do is KEEP them intact when you steal em' from me!