I haven't played Spades in a long time. When we get together with our friends in Lincoln, we usually end up in a 30 point pitch match guys against gals.
Oooo, I love having breakfast for dinner! If I eat pancakes or french toast earlier in the day, I feel so loggy; but it doesn't affect me like that when I have it for dinner.
At my daughter's high school, they reward the kids that have good grades with a pancake breakfast every marking period. There's a guy here known as Dan the Pancake Man and he caters for the school. My daughter loves his pancakes!
going to sign off folks. sort of hit the wall. my day started at 6am. i hooked up with my junkyard buddy, curt. walked around looking at stuff for a couple of hours. didn't find anything. thanks JD. some of the Jazz show was a bit out there. datz jazz baby.
All I wanted was a Pepsi, and SHE wouldn't Give it to me.