There are a few songs that I personally REALLY like, but haven't put them on the playlist because they drop the f-bomb in them (why, I have NO idea).
I'm not talking about hard-core rap here, just rock songs that for whatever reason the artist felt it necesarry to drop one or maybe two f-bombs in.
Songs like the Pretenders COMPLEX PERSON, Tesla's version of SIGNS and Robbie Williams COME UNDONE.
Would you be opposed to these songs being on the playlist?
I assume that most of you listen at work with headphones, so it shouldn't be too big of an issue, but if anyone listens at work on an open speaker, or maybe at home with their kids, then perhaps this isn't a good idea.
I could always cool-edit the offensive word out of the song, but I hate to do that because it's always obvious it's been done.
I would prefer that these songs weren't played because my 11 year old son does listen to this when I have it on at home. However, I won't stop listening if they are played.
You can bury the "song" by William Shatner that you just played.
You'll be happy to know that Shatner song HAS been nixed from the playlist effective today.
I cut it short as it was, but decided to totally remove it while I was listening to it play. Any NORMAL song I wouldn't do that, because SOMEONE may like it (since it was requested SOMEONE does).
But that wasn't really a song, it was just a novelty. Maybe I'll rotate stuff like that on and off the list.
At any rate, you won't hear it for a long time now!
I personally love the song "Signs" and especially the one with the "F" bomb in it. I do listen at work but generally I have my office door closed so it won't be an issue for me.
Thanks so much for killing that Shatner song (if you can call it that)! If you'd have left it some ninny would have requested one of Leonard Nimoy's songs too! It amazes me whenever actors think they can be singers! Or visa versa!!