I was reading today that NBC is giving Jay Leno a 10 PM Prime Time hour long talk show.
They are doing it in part because they want to cut back on original programming. This cuts their original programming (scripted that is) from 22 hours to 17 a week.
All the networks are trying to cut costs by adding more reality crap and talk shows.
That's the bad news.
The GOOD NEWS is that Fox is testing something out on DOLLHOUSE and FRINGE. They're reducing the amount of advertising on those shows from almost 20 minutes an hour down to FIVE minutes an hour and making the breaks only 60 - 90 seconds each.
They're charging the ones who do advertise a 40% premium since so few commercials are running.
In 1966, a one hour show had 8 minutes of commercials In 1982, a one hour show had 12 minutes od commercials In 2003, a one hour show had 18 minutes of commercials
Nice to see the networks finall understand one reason why audiences are dwindling.
I am so mad at Fox right now. They are moving House and Bones again in Jan! House is moving to Mondays where that will add to my havoc for that day. Bones is going to my hell of a Thursday! I already have way too many shows on Thursday!!! The only thing that is good about the Thursday move is that it is at 8pm and not 9pm! If it were at 9 then I would have 4 networks to deal with! And if I had to choose between all the shows Supernatural would win hands down!
"Am I speaking in a language you're not getting here?"
I don't know why they can't just leave a show in a successful timeslot. I know they mainly move it to compete for ratings. I know ABC is currently juggling their line-up. They are thinking about canning three shows, moving the one that has slightly more life before canning it and introducing a few new things.
Stop trying to be what you see. Be what you ought to be.