I used to sing barbershop quartet in high school, but I doubt I sound like that now.
When we go to the beach every summer, I always do "Thank God I'm A Country Boy" by John Denver. I think people are impressed simply by the fact that I know all the words and can keep up with the music! I've also been told I do a good Bee Gees/Andy Gibb impersonation.
I'd pay good money to see Riggs and JD doing "I Got You Babe"!
Murs - I LOVE John Denver! My mom had me at a lounge lizard location once when I was 5 and upon seeing me singing Country Roads in the audience, the guy came over with his mike to have me sing it - how embarassing THAT was!
After a few Coors Lights at the local rock and bowl, the kareoke singers were so gawd awful I thought there's no WAY I could do worse. So I got up and sang Shania Twain's Honey I'm Home. I must've belted it on account of the alceehawl, because people applauded afterward and I heard one woman at the bar say "Man! She sounded just like her!" My head barely fit out the double-doors that night.
I've had several chances since to sing, given a work mate brings his kareoke system to the holiday office party every year. But I've never managed the same balance of beer and bravery to sing any better than a cat on a fence every since. Ah well, my brother was a witness to once upon a time!
I'm going Saturday night. I sing and was in concert choir when I was in high school. I write my own songs, but I don't do anything with them. We have a local girl that is hitting the country scene right now, her name is Lori Franke and my mom is trying to get me to give her some of my songs to see if she's interested. Eh.
Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you do criticize them you will be a mile away and have their shoes.
I'm gonna sing the song "Redneck Woman" this weekend. I don't really listen to country all that much, but I love that song. I'm also gonna do "Here For the Party" and I probably won't leave (or quit singing) until they throw me out. Can't wait!
Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you do criticize them you will be a mile away and have their shoes.
At any rate, I only sing in the car or the shower. I did karaoke once at a bar, and I just didn't feel comfortable. I've sang with other friends in the car, and they say I have a good voice, but I don't know. I'm too self-conscious. I do know that I can do any Slaughter or Cinderella song really well, but that really doesn't say much, does it? I'll probably never do either one karaoke because I don't think they ever turn the music loud enough!
It was kind of nerve racking the first time I did it but It was such a rush afterward when everyone was cheering and clapping. Now when I walk in somewhere I have people requesting songs for me to do. (Not that I'm that great or anything but I guess I sound enough like Elvis and look somewhat like him, young Elvisnot fat and old Elvis that is).
Sometimes, when i'm lonely... i crawl into a laundry basket and tickle my ears. But, Some times I don't...
It is quite a rush when people enjoy the song you;re doing. As I said earlier, all I ever do is "Thank God I'm a Country Boy", but the first time I ever did there were people square dancing in the aisles and clapping and stomping along with the song, which was really cool!
Actaully, I lied...now that I hear it playing on Freeze-Frame Radio, I remember I did "If I Had a million dollars" by the Barenaked Ladies once with a couple of my friends, and I also did Love Shack with those same friends once....
The funniest one that I ever saw was when my husband and some of his friends sang "Like A Virgin". I almost fell off my chair laughing. That was a great night! Oh, crap, that was 12 YEARS ago! Yipes. I'm getting old. Sigh.
Before you criticize someone, walk a mile in their shoes. That way, when you do criticize them you will be a mile away and have their shoes.
I have a friend who weighs about 98 pounds soaking wet but has the deepest voice you have ever heard. After years of coaxing and pitchers of beer I finally got him up on stage with me. We did the Oakridge Boys Elvira and the crowd went wild because never in a million years would they have thought he would be doing the oom papa mow mow part. Now I have to do that song with him every time we go out. Karaoke is very addicting!
Sometimes, when i'm lonely... i crawl into a laundry basket and tickle my ears. But, Some times I don't...
I've only done the Karaoke thing in Public once....I was so embarassed that I haven't done it since ( get me drunk enough you never know). But I did used to do alot of solos in Chior in High School & college as well as school musicals...so it's not really a matter of not wanting to sing...I just don't sound very good in the pop realm...
I did get Karaoke Revolution for my XBox, & two of my friends & I play it alot...but we al used to sing, and All know what we can do....I guess its easier to get laughed at by two of your friends at home while your rocking out to Britney spears ...Baby One More Time, than it is tro try to sing In The Still Of The Night to a Bowling alley Bar full of people you don't know....
The last time I did karoake was about a year ago. I believe I sang dolly parton's "9 to 5" and Madonna's "material girl." It was hilarious! I used to do it a whole lot more in HS and college, but not as much anymore. I do still sing in a choir around town, so it keeps the pipes up a little bit. Karaoke rules!
Man..I missed a ton of posting the past week. Stupid work getting in the way!
Not a singer but was persuaded at a company Christmas party a few years back to sing Love Shack w/the manager's wife. It was video taped and about twice a year at the semi annual company meetings that "skit" finds its way into the presentation. I now only sing in the shower with the door locked and room sweeped for bugs and cameras.
This one guy at work is totally into Rush and usually has it on on the production floor. Whenever I and/or my buddy Dan in my dept walks through there, we usually have to stop by and sing along in our hightest Geddy Lee voices. (The company has come to accept us as half-insane lunatics.) I hurt my throat pretty good one day doing the "WOOAA WOOAA" from Closer To The Heart, but it was so on, the pain was worth it. Dan bought me a Pepsi to cool the old vocal cords down after that one.
"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus. Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09
You write your own songs? Can I ask you how you go about that??? Some friends and I tried to be in a band in college, we were REALLY BAD, but to be in a band you've got to be able to write songs. I could always come up with adequate guitar riffs, but I found song wise- I had NOTHING TO SAY! I did creative writing/ short fiction as an English major, but when it came to writing song lyrics to a beat, they were always terrible! "And so I build these walls/ don't want to see anymore/ closing out and turning in/ I've decided to close the door. walls/
"And like Web, I enjoy throwing JR under the bus. Problem is, it's usually under the special bus that I ride every day". Ghostdancer 12-18-09
Wow! I was just talking about karaoke on yet another thread. I may have to go to Stampeed's (the only karaokee bar I've found in Miami) tonight and bust out some Lita.
So I like to sing Joan Jett, Belinda, Cher! I love to sing Merideth Brooks. That song totally describes me. I also like These boots are made for walking. Good times.
Karaoke stories...hmm!!! I'll have to think about that. I don't usually get embarassed. Oh I've got one.
This isn't the story I'm going to tell, but you just reminded me...one time (I may need to edit this out) I guy sang "She thinks my tractor's sexy" but replaced the tractor w/ pecker and changed all the lyrics. It was fricken hilarious!! I think of that everytime I hear the song.
I've done a ton of musical theatre, sang in a band for a VERY BRIEF while, and love a chance to get on stage. Strangely enough, I've only done karoke twice! Please don't take this as a brag, it's not meant to be. When you have trained as a singer, and do something like a karoke night, people get pissed at you! They think it's some kind of challenge. Dancing at weddings or banquets gets the same reaction. I tend to lay low unless it's a crowd that I know and know that I perform.